Bachelor in mathematics, religion and education (2000, Agder University College)
Master of science in mathematics education (2002, Agder University College)
PhD in mathematics education (2008, University of Agder)
Working experience
2002-2003 Assistant professor in mathematics education
2003-2007 PhD student in mathematics education
2007-2008 Assistant professor in mathematics education
2008-2018 Assosiate professor in mathematics education
2018- Professor in mathematics education
Interested in and do research on children's learning and development within mathematics in kindergarten
Interested in primary school students' reasoning in mathematics, particularly with respect to multiplicative structures.
Interested in and do research on upper secondary school students' learning of mathematics through small-group problem solving
STM100 Språk tekst og matematikk (Barnehagelærerutdanning)
STM101 Språk, tekst og matematikk (Barnehagelærerutdanning, deltid)
MA-424 Working method in mathematics (GLU1-7, GLU5-10, Lektor 8-13, 2-åring masterutdanning i matematikkdidaktikk)
MA-502 Master thesis in mathematics education
MA-607 Research methodology in mathematics education (co-teaching, PhD in mathematics education
Supervision of PhD students (4 students in mathematics education)
Research groups:
MERGA - Mathematics Educatation Research Group Agder,
MERK - Mathematics Education Research in Kindergarten
Sist endret: 27.08.2021 08:08