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Abit Hoxha

Assistant Professor

D4026A ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Abit Hoxha is Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Institute of Nordic and Media Studies at University of Agder in Norway. He is currently working on his PhD titled Conflict News Production at LMU Munich, Germany where he is focusing on comparing journalistic news production in Western Balkans, Middle East and Great Lakes through reconstructing news coverage with journalists to find out influences on news production and how news comes into being. He holds a MSc from Durham Global Security Institute at Durham University in UK as well as an MA on Journalism from the Kosovo Institute of Journalism and Communication and BA degree in Political Science from the University of Prishtina. Originally from Kosovo, Abit is engaged in both academic discussions and research of transitional societies as well as in training journalists on sensitive reporting. He has worked in several research projects in relation to dealing with the past including research on narratives of the second world war in history books in Kosovo which was published as a report “Fostering a Critical Account of History in Kosovo: Engaging with History Teacher’s Narratives of the Second World War.” Prior to joining LMU Munich, he worked for UNDP, UNFAO, World Bank, UNWomen and Civil Society in Kosovo. Prior to joining UiA, he worked in the FP7 funded project INFOCORE at the LMU Munich. 


  • Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age - ReMeD   (Horizon Europe, 2023-2026)  https://resilientmedia.eu/ 
  • Revisiting the Past, Anticipating the Future - RePAST ( Horizon 2020 , 2018-2022 )  https://www.repast.eu/  
  • RePAST-NOR 2021-2023 (The Research Council), 
  • Transitional Justice and 'Transitional Journalism´ (The British Academy 2018)
  • InfoCore (7th Framework Programme- 2013-2016), www.infocore.eu) 
  • Worlds of Journalism (WJS) , https://worldsofjournalism.org/ 

Utvalgte publikasjoner

  • Vera Slavtcheva-Petkova, Jyotika Ramaprasad, Nina Springer, Sallie Hughes, Thomas Hanitzsch, Basyouni Hamada, Abit Hoxha & Nina Steindl (2023) Conceptualizing Journalists’ Safety around the Globe, Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2022.2162429
  • Hoxha, A., & Andresen, K. (2019). The Development of Roles in Kosovo: From Fixers to Journalists. Journalism Studies20(12), 1732-1746.
  • Gonen, Y., & Hoxha, A. (2019). Interactions between Journalists Located in Different Sides of a Conflict: A Comparative Study of Two Conflict Zones. Journalism Studies, 1-18.
  • Hoxha, A. (2019). Investigative Journalism. The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies, 1-6.
  • Hanitzsch, T., & Hoxha, A. (2018). Journalism of War and Conflict: Generic and Conflict-Related Influences on News Production. In Media in War and Armed Conflict (pp. 169-190). Routledge.
  • Hoxha, A., & Hanitzsch, T. (2017). How conflict news comes into being: Reconstructing ‘reality’through telling stories. Media, War & Conflict, 1750635217727313.
  • Hoxha, A and Andresen, K. (2017). Training Journalists in times of transition: the case of Kosovo. Journalism Education. Vol. 6. Nr. 2. P. 37- 47.
  • Dilellio, A., Fridman, O., Herzigonja, S and Hoxha, A. (2017) Fostering a Critical Account of History in Kosovo: Engaging with History Teacher’s Narratives of the Second World War. Oral History Kosova Initiative
  • Andresen, K., Hoxha, A., & Godole, J. (2017). New Roles for Media in the Western Balkans: A study of transitional journalism. Journalism Studies, 18(5), 614-628.
  • Hoxha, A., Andersen, K., and Hoxha-Dobrunaj, A. (2016). Journalists in Kosovo: Country Report. Worlds of Journalism Study: https://epub.ub.unimuenchen.de/31986/7/Abit_Hoxha_Kenneth_Andresen_%26_Arbesa_Hoxha-Dobrunaj__Journalists_in_Kosovo.pdf
  • Jungblut, M. and Hoxha, A. (2016) Journalistic self-censorship in post conflict societies: a qualitative perspective on the news production in Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia. Media, War & Conflict 1–17
  • Hoxha, A., Ahmeti, A., & Musliu, A. (2015). Russian Influence in the Western Balkans. Carrot or Stick?. Russia in the Balkans. Threat or Opportunity?, 61.
  • Hanitzsch, T. & Hoxha, A. (2014). News Production: Theory and Conceptual Framework. Generic and Conflict influences on the news production process. INFOCORE WP1 Working Paper. LMU
  • Hanitzsch, T. & Hoxha, A. (2015). Methodological Framework: Journalistic Production. INFOCORE WP1 Working Paper. LMU
  • Hoxha, A. and Emini, D. (2014) Bosnia and Herzegovina in Kosovar Perspective: An Agenda for International Cooperation Institute of East-Central EuropeVolume 12, Issue 3, ISSN 1732-1395
  • Paterson, C., Andresen, K., Hoxha, A. (2012) The manufacture of an international news event: The day Kosovo was born. SAGE. Journalism13: 103
  • Hoxha, A. (2012) Russia’s Foreign Policy in Kosovo. http://www.e-ir.info/author/abit-hoxha/
  • Hoxha, A. (2010) Reporting in Kosovo: War and Post-War; Challenges and Responsibilities. VDM.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth; Paschalidis, Panagiotis; Fiedler, Anke (2024). Producing indefinite drafts of history: Journalists’ roles in historic revisionism in Europe and beyond. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism. ISSN: 1464-8849. s 1 - 19. doi:10.1177/14648849241233381.
  • Slavtcheva-Petkova, Vera; Ramaprasad, Jyotika; Springer, Nina; Hughes, Sallie; Hanitzsch, Thomas; Hamada, Basyouni; Hoxha, Abit; Steindl, Nina (2022). Conceptualizing Journalists’ Safety around the Globe. Digital Journalism. ISSN: 2167-0811. doi:10.1080/21670811.2022.2162429.
  • Nicolaidou, Iolie; Zupancic, Rok; Fiedler, Anke; Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit; Ntaltagianni, Christina; Aivalioti, Maria; Kasapovic, Mak; Milioni, Dimitra (2022). Virtual tours as emerging technologies to engage children and youth with their country’s historical conflicts. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). ISSN: 1868-8799. 17 (21). s 164 - 183. doi:10.3991/ijet.v17i21.32853.
  • Sweeney, James; Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit (2020). Transitional Justice and Transitional Journalism: Case-Study on Kosovo. International Journal of Transitional Justice. ISSN: 1752-7716. 14 (3). s 483 - 503. doi:10.1093/ijtj/ijaa017.
  • Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth (2020). Violence, War, and Gender: Collective Memory and Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo. Europeanisation and Memory Politics in the Western Balkans. Memory Politics and Transitional Justice. ISBN: 978-3-030-54699-1. Palgrave Macmillan. Kapittel 11. s 263 - 283.
  • Gonen, Yonatan; Hoxha, Abit (2018). Interactions between Journalists Located in Different Sides of a Conflict: A Comparative Study of Two Conflict Zones. Journalism Studies. ISSN: 1461-670X. s 2495 - 2512. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2019.1604154.
  • Skjerdal, Terje; Josephi, Beate; Hanusch, Folker; Alonso, Martin Oller; Shapiro, Ivor; Andresen, Kenneth; de Beer, Arnold S.; Hoxha, Abit; Moreira, Sonia Virgínia; Rafter, Kevin; Splendore, Sergio; Tandoc, Edson C. (2019). Profiles of journalists: Demographic and employment patterns. Worlds of Journalism. Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe. ISBN: 9780231186438. Columbia University Press. Kapittel 4. s 67 - 102.
  • Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit (2019). The Development of Roles in Kosovo: From Fixers to Journalists. Journalism Studies. ISSN: 1461-670X. 20 (12). s 1732 - 1746. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2019.1639539.
  • Zupancic, Rok; Kocan, Faris; Andresen, Kenneth; Bojarska, Katarzyna; Farrell, Seamus; Dacosta, Ricardo; Hoxha, Abit; Fiedler, Anke; Ioannidis, Nikandros; Martin, Irene; Kirk, Niamh; Milioni, Dimitra; Panos, Dionysis; Parades, Marta; Triga, Vasiliki; Rawski, Tomasz; Vucko, Tjasa (2023). Troubled Pasts in Europe. ISBN: 9781529233629. Bristol University Press. s 205.
  • Hoxha, Abit (2023). Media Mapping and Dealing with the Past.
  • Hoxha, Abit (2023). USes and abuses of history.
  • Hoxha, Abit (2023). Dealing with the troubled past in Kosovo and Norway.
  • Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit (2023). Unveiling the Dark Secrets: Exploring Kristiansand’s Dark Tourism.
  • Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit (2023). Seminar: Lansering av nytt spill og unik vandretur om andre verdenskrig i Kristiansand.
  • Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth (2023). Mørk turisme (Dark Tourism) - undervisningsopplegg - 10 ukers emne for høyere utdanning innen reiseliv og turisme.
  • Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth (2023). Mørk turisme (Dark Tourism) - et online kurs på 6 uker for reiselivssektoren.

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Sist endret: 22.01.2024 11:01