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Anders Wiik

Assistant Professor

JU059 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


Pure mathematics (NTNU, 2011-2012)

Master's degree in mathematics education (University of Agder, 2013-2017)


I am interested in the role of mathematics in society. In particular:

- The mathematics needed to understand the news

- The link between school mathematics and everyday mathematics

- How mathematics shape social institutions

- Lifelong learning


I teach mathematics and didactics at all levels in teacher education and supervise bachelor and masters theses in mathematics education.

I am interested in student-centeres and creative teaching methods that emphasize socially relevant themes.


2015-2017: I have work experience from adult education in mathematics, various teaching jobs and I have contributed to compiling a database of mathematical terms in Norwegian language.

August 2017 - December 2018: Assistant professor in mathematics education at the University of Agder

January 2019 - August 2022: PhD research fellow at the University of Agder under supervision of prof. Pauline Vos and prof. Martin Engebretsen. My focus is on data visualizations. Data visualizations are complex cultural and semiotic artefacts that convey quantitative information within and between domains that affect many peoples lives. What is required to read them, what can they communicate about mathematics in use, how do they reflect on technological and social developments, and how are they made?

August 2022 - present: Assistant professor in mathematics education, University of Agder

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Wiik, Anders (2024). Værmeldinger og koronadiagrammer: Hva forteller de om hverdagsmatematikk?.
  • Larson, Niclas; Wiik, Anders (2024). Det regner symboler i værmeldingene.
  • Wiik, Anders; Tørresen, Anna Rut (2024). Værmeldingene gjør oss bedre i matte.
  • Wiik, Anders; Tørresen, Anna Rut (2024). Bedre i matte.
  • Wiik, Anders; Tørresen, Anna Rut; Olsen, Aleksandra (2024). Du må være smartere enn du tror når du leser værmeldingen.
  • Wiik, Anders; Christiansen, Atle (2023). – Vêrmeldinga viser at folk kan meir matematikk enn dei trur.
  • Wiik, Anders; Christiansen, Atle (2023). “Weather forecasts show that people know more mathematics than they realise”.
  • Wiik, Anders; Christiansen, Atle (2023). Vêrmeldinga viser at folk kan meir matematikk enn dei trur.

Sist endret: 11.01.2024 21:01