I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder. I lead HROMADA – the Nordic-Baltic Knowledge-Based Input Network to the Rebuilding of Ukraine, and a research project on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Between 2020-2023, I was the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Agder.
I hold a PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Previous positions include interim professor for empirical democracy research at the University of Mannheim, project director at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) and post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University, Belgium. My research interests include the European Union, Ukraine, international relations and organisations, and external democracy promotion.
HROMADA - Nordic-Baltic Knowledge-Based Input Network to the Rebuilding of Ukraine
Lowering the Bar? - Compliance Negotiations and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
My publications with a relation to Ukraine:
Pintsch, Anne, and Marina Rabinovych. 2023. "Harnessing the Nordic-Baltic Cooperation Experience for Ukraine’s Post-war Recovery." NordForsk. Fast Track to Vision 2030: 127-131.
Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2020. "The Amalgamated Communities’ International Cooperation: Challenges and Pathways to Improvement." VoxUkraine (30 November).
Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2020. "Децентралізація Та Міжнародне Співробітництво Отг: Виклики Та Шляхи Покращення." VoxUkraine (30 November).
Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2020. "Синонім Євроінтеграції: Як Децентралізація Наблизить Україну До ЄC [A Synonym of European Integration: How Decentralization Will Bring Ukraine Closer to the EU]." Європейська правда /Yevropeysʹka Pravda (25 August).
Pintsch, Anne. 2020. "Decentralization in Ukraine and ‘Bottom-up’ European Integration?" In Regional Diversity, Decentralization and Conflict in Ukraine, edited by Hanna Shelest and Maryna Rabinovych, 339-363. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wetzel, Anne. 2018. "Flexible Integration und Compliance – Lehren aus der Energiegemeinschaft [Flexible Integration and Compliance – Lessons from the Energy Community]." integration 41 (3):228-240.
Wetzel, Anne. 2016. "From Halt to Hurry: External and Domestic Influences on Ukrainian Asylum Policy." Eurasian Geography and Economics 57 (1):66-88.
Freyburg, Tina, Sandra Lavenex, Frank Schimmelfennig, Tatiana Skripka, and Anne Wetzel. 2015. Democracy Promotion by Functional Cooperation: The European Union and Its Neighbourhood. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Wetzel, Anne. 2014. "Die Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik gegenüber der Ukraine: Vom Scheitern einer Politik mit technokratischen Mitteln [The European Neighbourhood Policy Towards Ukraine. The Failure of a Technocratic Policy]." Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization 89 (1-2):105-123.
Freyburg, Tina, Sandra Lavenex, Frank Schimmelfennig, Tatiana Skripka, and Anne Wetzel. 2011. "Democracy Promotion through Functional Cooperation? The Case of the European Neighbourhood Policy." Democratization 18 (4):1026-1054.
Wetzel, Anne. 2010. "Umweltschutz und Bürgerbeteiligung. Chancen und Grenzen der Århus-Konvention in der Ukraine [Environmental Protection and Citizen Participation. The Opportunities and Limitations of the Aarhus Convention in Ukraine]." Osteuropa 60 (2-4):309-317.
Wetzel, Anne. 2009. "Kurzanalyse 'Herausforderungen für die Ukraine 2010': Abschluss des Assoziierungsabkommens mit der EU und Umsetzung der Assoziierungsagenda [Analysis 'Challenges for Ukraine 2010': Singning of the Association Agreement with the EU and Implementation of the Association Agenda]." Ukraine-Analysen 66 (08.12.2009):12-13.
Wetzel, Anne. 2009. "Die Kooperation der EU und der Ukraine im Bereich der Staatlichen Beihilfenpolitik: Grundlagen und Ergebnisse [EU-Ukraine Cooperation on State Aid Policy: Background and Results]." Ukraine-Analysen 54 (24.03.2009):18-21.
Freyburg, Tina, Sandra Lavenex, Frank Schimmelfennig, Tatiana Skripka, and Anne Wetzel. 2009. "EU Promotion of Democratic Governance in the Neighbourhood." Journal of European Public Policy 16 (6):916-934.
Wetzel, Anne. 2005. "Die Grenze Zwischen der Ukraine und der EU: Gibt es mehr als „Drinnen“ und „Draußen“? [The Border between Ukraine and EU: Is There More Than "Inside" and "Outside"?]." In Integration und Ausgrenzung Im Osten Europas. Beiträge für die 13. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten. Arbeitspapiere und Materialien, No. 70 - September 2005, 17-20. Bremen: Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen [Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen].
Maryna Rabinovych and Anne Pintsch (2020): Синонім євроінтеграції: як децентралізація наблизить Україну до ЄС [A synonym of European integration: how decentralization will bring Ukraine closer to the EU], Європейська правда /Yevropeysʹka Pravda, 25 August, available online: https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/experts/2020/08/25/7113285/
Sist endret: 19.04.2024 13:04