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Anne Wenche Emblem

Associate Professor

Associate professor

9I266 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Anne Wenche Emblem is an Associate Professor at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. She holds a doctorate (Dr.oecon) in Economics from Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Emblem aspires to do research of high relevance to the society and she takes pleasure from collaborating with external partners in public and private sector. Emblem’s research interests are within the fields of real estate economics, housing, health and living arrangements. Also, she conducts research on health care financing and health economics.

Her research is published in scientific journals, such as Research in Economics,Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economic, International Tax and Public Finance and Journal of Property Research.

Emblem is head of the Center for Real Estate Economics,  and head of the research group Health Economics. She is chairman of  Sørlandet Boligbyggelag, and board member of Lillesand næringsareal AS, Agder Røde Kors and Forskerforbundet at UiA. She has been a board member of Kristiansand Næringsselsk, Faculty board of the School of business and Law UiA and Agder Forskning AS. She is a former member of the steering committee for Research based evaluation of the National Mammography Screening Programme in Norway (2007-15) and the government appointed committee suggesting a new financing system for financing regional health authorities in Norway (NOU 2008:2).

Emblem previously served as Senior Analyst at Oxford Research, Chief of Staff/Adviser at Sørlandet Hospital and she has worked for the United Nations in Rome. She was also a consultant at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, and she has served as Research Assistant at the Centre for Applied Research at NHH. 


Health economics

Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes

Real estate economics

Public economics


  • Real estate economics (in Master of Business and Administration, Siviløkonom)
  • Public Economics (in Bachelor of Political science and management)
  • Supervising  Master Thesis (Business and Administration).


Oxford Research AS

Sørlandet Hospital HF

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 

Ministry of Health and Social affairs  

Norwegian School of Busniess and Adminsitration 

Centre for Applied Research at NHH

Faglige interesser

Health economics, Financing of health care. Economic valuation of life and health, economic evaluation of health care programmes. Health policy, justice. Public economics. 

Real estate economics. Housing economics. Housing and welfare


Utvalgte publikasjoner

Borgersen, Trond-Arne; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2023). Direct and Indirect Effects of Housing Market Policies using an Augmented DiPasquale-Wheaton framework. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. ISSN (online) 2535-5988 doi.org/10.18261/tfb.6.1.2

Borgersen, Trond Arne; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2022). Mortgage market induced booms and busts in the housing market in a modified DiPasquale-Wheaton model. International Real Estate Review (IRER). ISSN: 2154-8919. 25 (3). s 281 - 306.

Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). The Road to Higher Prices: Will Improved Road Standards Lead to Higher Housing Prices?. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. doi:10.1007/s11146-020-09751-y.

Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2018). House prices and proximity to kindergarten – costs of distance and external effects?. Journal of Property Research. ISSN: 0959-9916. 35 (4). s 321 - 343. doi:10.1080/09599916.2018.1513057.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Borgersen, Trond Arne; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2023). Direct and Indirect Effects of Housing Market Policies using an Augmented DiPasquale-Wheaton framework. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. ISSN: 2535-5988. 6 (1). s 4 - 29. doi:10.18261/tfb.6.1.2.
  • Borgersen, Trond Arne; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2022). Mortgage market induced booms and busts in the housing market in a modified DiPasquale-Wheaton model. International Real Estate Review (IRER). ISSN: 2154-8919. 25 (3). s 281 - 306.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Har bomavgift innvirkning på boligpriser- og i så fall hvor mye? En empirisk studie av Kristiansand.. Transport i interaksjon mellom marked og offentlig regulering. Festskrift til Finn Jørgensen. ISBN: 978-82-450-3213-0. Fagbokforlaget. 14.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). The Road to Higher Prices: Will Improved Road Standards Lead to Higher Housing Prices?. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. doi:10.1007/s11146-020-09751-y.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2018). House prices and proximity to kindergarten – costs of distance and external effects?. Journal of Property Research. ISSN: 0959-9916. 35 (4). s 321 - 343. doi:10.1080/09599916.2018.1513057.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche; Theisen, Theis; Aamo, Bjørn Skogstad (2017). Regionale forskjeller i boligprisutviklingen - mulige årsaker. Samfunnsøkonomen. ISSN: 1890-5250. (6). s 14 - 25.
  • Asheim, Geir Bjarne; Emblem, Anne Wenche; Nilssen, Tore (2010). Health insurance: medical treatment vs. disability payment. Research in Economics. ISSN: 1090-9443. 64s 137 - 145. doi:10.1016/j.rie.2010.02.004.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche; Asheim, Geir; Nilssen, Tore (2003). Deductibles in Health Insurance: Pay or Pain?. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. ISSN: 1389-6563. 3 (4). s 253 - 266.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2002). Redistribution at the Hospital. International Tax and Public Finance. ISSN: 0927-5940. 9 (4). s 367 - 378.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2023). Tilpassing av bosituasjon blant eldre: hvordan fungerer boligmarkedet?.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2023). Mulighetsrom i siste fase av boligkarrieren: en minstepensjonistindeks.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2022). Svarer leserne på spørsmål om personlig økonomi.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2022). Boligmarkedet i Kristiansand.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2022). Dette sier fagfolkene om Q42.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2021). Hett hyttemarked: Bør man kjøpe eller vente?.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche (2021). "Rekordhøye strømpriser".

Sist endret: 5.09.2023 11:09