Essays on the role of teachers, trust, ethics, silence and dialogue in various professional settings.
Democracy and Education: How to address de-humanisation and polarizing ideas in teaching?
Pedagogical theory and professions (master)
The role of teachers, dialogue, ethics and trust in teaching and in cooperation.
In progression: Democracy and education: How to address appropriately in teacher education and in schools issues of anti-Semitism, racism and extremism?
Pedagogcial theory. The teacher profession, interprofessional cooperation and the art of teaching with a particular interest in dialogue, trust and the teaching of ethics and democracy.
In progress:
Democracy and Education: How can school and teacher education prevent anti-democratic attitudes and group hostility? A research cooperation project between teachers at a local school, University of Agder and ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Centre, Kristiansand.
“Values in democracy education - enhancing competencies and beliefs of teacher students through a joint study program” (ValiDE). Erasmus pluss project. Paedagogishe Hochschule Weingarten, Germany, University of Agder, Uniwersytet Pezny im Komisji Edukacji Narodowey W Krakowie, Poland. (From spring 2022).
Loss of meaning - shaping of meaning in the teacher training programs in the Nordic countries. Erasmus pluss project. Univerisity of Southerne Denmark, ViA University College, Denmark, Högskolan Väst, Sverige, University of Agder, Norway. (2020-2023).
Trust and trusting relationships - their role and meaning in various cooperative relationships and societal settings.
Sist endret: 6.01.2022 10:01