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Christina Maria Nygren-Landgärds


Professor in education

D4037B ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

My university career started when I graduated with a master's degree in education, including teacher education in 1987 and a PhD in Education in 2000 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Until the autumn of 2020, I have worked at Åbo Akademi University as a professor, dean and vice-rector. I am interested in educational issues in general, but especially university education, university teaching and teacher education. At UiA, I have scientific responsibility for university pedagogy.


My previous research has mainly focused on subject didactics. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in quality issues at the university, especially for quality in education and teaching. I am currently active in a project about quality culture at university.

More information: https://www.uia.no/senter-og-nettverk/uia-puls-pedagogisk-utviklings-og-laeringssenter/forskning-og-utvikling/culture-for-quality-in-higher-education


I mainly teach university pedagogy, with a focus on quality issues, pedagogical leadership, educational development and research-based teaching.


2020 - Professor in Education at University of Agder, Norway   

2010 - 2019 Vice-Rector of Educational Affairs at Åbo Akademi University, Finland

2010 -  2014 Rector for Åbo Akademi Univerisy´s campus in Vaasa, Finland

2006 - 2020 Professor II in didactics at University of South-Eastern Norway 

2005 - 2009 Dean for the Faculty of Education at Åbo Akademi University, Finland       

2005 -  Professor in Education, focus on craftscience at Åbo Akademi University, Finland (on leave). 

1998 - 2004 Lecturer in didactics with focus on craft at Åbo Akademi University, Finland

1987 - 1997 University teacher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland                                       


In the research project Culture for quality in higher education, a group of Nordic researchers focus on Nordic universities and how the universities reason about quality culture. The starting point for the research is an interest in the Nordic educational systems, especially the universities, and a curiosity about whether Nordic educational co-operation can be discerned in how the universities describe their quality culture. An assumption is that the Nordic countries to a large extent have a shared value in quality work. This is an assumption because the Nordic countries have a common educational history, similar educational systems and that all Nordic countries have chosen to guarantee the quality of higher education in relation to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. In the research, this is presumed to give the Nordic universities a special touch that may be visible in the quality culture. Thus, a survey is conducted among Nordic universities, by analysing texts that describe the universities´ quality culture. The overall research questions of the research project are: How can the phenomenon of quality culture at university be explained from a Nordic perspective? and What common features and contents appear in the Nordic documents about the universities’ quality culture? The research results of the project are expected to be of use in the cooperation between the universities and in development of quality issues at universities.


Utvalgte publikasjoner

Nygren-Landgärds, C., Mårtensson, L. B., Pyykkö, R., Bjørnestad, J. O. & von Schoultz, R. (2022) Quality culture at Nordic Universities. European Journal of Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2022.2116066

Nygren-Landgärds, C. (2021) Forskning på bredden av vetenskapsområdet. In S. Westerlund, K. Borg, M. Porko-Hudd, V. Lindberg (red.) Slöjdkunnande i förändring. Techne Series. Vol 28 Nr 4/2021. https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/techneA/article/view/4734 

Elo, J. & Nygren-Landgärds, C. (2020) Teachers’ perceptions of autonomy in the tensions between a subject focus and a cross-curricular school profile: A case study of a Finnish upper secondary school. Journal of Educational Change. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10833-020-09412-0

Nygren-Landgärds, C., Elo, J., Landgärds, I. & Engelholm, M. (2018) Educational benefits of external projects in school. In Journal of Education and Learning, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 54-65.

Nygren-Landgärds, C. (red.) (2013) Med målsetting om å forholde seg vitenskaplig i lærerutdanningen. Del 2, artikler av lærere i lærerutdanningen vid Høgskolen i Telemark, avdeling for estetiske fag, folkekultur og lærerutdanning, Notodden. Nätpublication i Techné Series.. http://research.abo.fi/converis/publicweb/Publication/26140?share=false&cntpers=false&reqstfulltxt=false&reports=false&lang=1

Nygren-Landgärds, C. (2011) University teaching is based on research. http://world.edu/university-teaching-based-research/

Nygren-Landgärds, C. (red.) (2011) Med målsetting om å forholde seg vitenskaplig i lærerutdanningen. Del 1, artikler av lærere i lærerutdanningen vid Høgskolen i Telemark, avdeling for estetiske fag, folkekultur og lærerutdanning, Notodden(A ; 17/2011). Notodden: NordFo, nordiskt Forum för Forskning och Utvecklingsarbete inom utbildning i slöjd

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Nygren-Landgärds, Christina M.; Måtrensson, Lena B; Pyykkö, Riitta; Bjørnestad, John Olav; Von Schoulz, Rolad (2022). Quality culture at Nordic Universities. European Journal of Higher Education. ISSN: 2156-8235. doi:10.1080/21568235.2022.2116066.
  • Nygren-Landgärds, Christina Maria (2021). Forskning på bredden av vetenskapsområdet. Techne Serien. ISSN: 1238-9501. 28 (4). s 165 - 178. doi:10.7577/TechneA.4734.
  • Elo, Janne; Nygren-Landgärds, Christina M. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions of autonomy in the tensions between a subject focus and a cross-curricular school profile: A case study of a Finnish upper secondary school. Journal of educational change. ISSN: 1389-2843. 22 (3). s 423 - 445. doi:10.1007/s10833-020-09412-0.
  • Nygren-Landgärds, Christina (2011). Uppdraget. Ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt i lärarutbildningen. Techne Serien. ISSN: 1238-9501. (17). s 8 - 21.

Sist endret: 17.09.2024 13:09