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G3042 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Deise Faria Nunes (BR/NO, 1974) is a researching performance practitioner interested in interdisciplinary collaborations.

Nunes is a PhD Research Fellow at the Department of Visual Arts and Drama from 2019 - 2022 with the project "Estuaries: Decolonial, Feminist, Afro-diaspora Perspectives on Performance". The project aims to develop theoretical and practical work discussing paradigms for a performance aesthetics that is both decolonial and feminist. Through the discourses of Afro-diasporic women artists born, based or in relation to the Nordics, "Estuaries" intends to map existing and develop new decolonial praxes and concepts for performance.

Her Master's thesis "The Dances of the Orixás: From Sacred Ritual to Performer's Dramaturgy" was a study of the sacred dances performed during the rituals of Afro-Brazilian Candomblé cult and the principles of Eugenio Barba's theatre anthropology.

Following her special interest in practical-theoretical investigations on ethnicity and gender within the arts field, Nunes established in 2017 the company Golden Mirrors Arts Norway, focusing on production and diffusion of works and thoughts by Black women. Nunes is also a freelance writer.

Faglige interesser

Theatre and performance studies/aesthetics

African diaspora studies

Decolonial studies

Black, Indigenous and intersectional feminism

Documentary filmmaking

Artistic and curatorial practice

Sist endret: 25.12.2021 17:12