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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Ovesen, Egil (2024). Estetisk ærefrykt i dataspill.
  • Ovesen, Egil; Zunic, Elmedin (2024). “Diversity” og kunstforståelse utfra et akademisk-kunstnerisk perspektiv..
  • Ovesen, Egil; Chamberlain, Rebecca; Fingerhut, Joerg; Nezami, Annahita; Pelowski, Matthew (2024). Noisy time series data of video and music perception in virtual reality (VR): Preprocessing of data, time series plots and analyses.
  • Ovesen, Egil; Chamberlain, Rebecca; Fingerhut, Joerg; Nezami, Annahita; Pelowski, Matthew (2024). Experiencing the Overview Effect Makes Us Feel More Connected to Nature: Evidence from an Experimental Study Combining Virtual Reality with Artistic Images and Music.
  • Ovesen, Egil; Chamberlain, Rebecca; Fingerhut, Joerg; Nezami, Annahita; Pelowski, Matthew (2024). Refining raw data of psychophysiological measures and continuous-self ratings into useful and reliable time series plots.
  • Ovesen, Egil (2024). An ongoing analysis of 6.000 user reviews of the videogame Journey.
  • Ovesen, Egil (2023). New Media, Old Dilemmas: A Study at the Intersection of Interactivity, Arts and Education.
  • Ovesen, Egil (2022). Virtual Reality Overview Effect (VROE).

Sist endret: 17.02.2021 14:02