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Elif Ozturk Beigmohammadi

Associate Professor

J2046 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


PhD in Applied Mathematics, June 2013. Title of thesis: Non local boundary value problems for elli ptic differential and difference equations, Department of Mathematics, UUni., TURKEY

Master Degree in Applied Mathematics, July 2008. Title of thesis:Numerical solution of nonlocal boundary value problem for elliptic differential equations, Department of Mathematics, FUni., TURKEY

Master Degree in Mathematics Pedagogical Formation,  June 2011 SUni., TURKEY

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics June 2006, YTUni., TURKEY

Bachelor of Science in Statistics, February 2007, YTUni., TURKEY


Machine learning and deep learning.

Mathematical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical analysis, well-posedness of elliptic differential and difference equations, theory of positive operators and stability of difference schemes.



Math I



Math II



2014-2015 (Summer Term)


Statistics 2015-2016

Statistics II 2015-2016

Differential Equations


2014-2015 (Summer Term)

Use of Computer I 2014-2015 Undergraduate

Use of Computer II  2014-2015 Undergraduate

Application of  Statistics on Computer 2013-2014 Undergraduate

Research Applications  2014-2015 Graduate

Research Methods in Social Science 2014-2015 Graduate

Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics 2013-2014 Graduate


University of Agder, Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, Researcher

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor, 2013-2017

Uludag University, Department of Mathematics, Part time Assistant, 2010-2011

ERASMUS Teaching Mobility Programme: Silesian University in Opava, Karvina, Czech Republic, 2016

The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) scholarship for studying abroad. Departmant of Mathematics, Central Florida University, USA, 2014 (Short term scholar-visitor).


Utvalgte publikasjoner

Publications in Referred Journals

1. Ozturk Beigmohammadi E., Ashyralyev A., "Well-posedness of a fourth order of accuracy difference scheme for Bitsadze–Samarskii-type problem." NUMERICAL FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION, vol.38, 10, pp. 1-16, 2017

2. Ozturk E., Ashyralyev A., "On a difference scheme of second order of accuracy for the Bitsadze-Samarskii type nonlocal boundary-value problem", BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS, vol.2014, pp.1-14, 2014

3. Ozturk E., Ashyralyev A., "Stability of difference schemes for Bitsadze-Samarskii type nonlocal boundary value problem involving integral condition", FILOMAT, vol.28, pp.1027-1047, 2014

4. Ozturk E., Ashyralyev A., "On a difference scheme of fourth order of accuracy for the BitsadzeSamarskii type nonlocal boundary value problem", MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, vol.36, pp.936-955, 2013

5. Ashyralyev A., Ozturk E., "On Bitsadze–Samarskii type nonlocal boundary value problems for elliptic differential and difference equations: Well-posedness", APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol.219, pp.1093-1107, 2012

6. Ozturk E., Ashyralyev A., "The numerical solution of the Bitsadze-Samarskii nonlocal boundary value problems with the Dirichlet-Neumann condition", ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS, vol. 2012 article ID 730804, 13 pages, 2012

Publications in Proceedings

1. E. Ozturk Beigmohammadi, “On the Bitsadze Samarskii Type Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem with the Integral Condition for an Elliptic Equation”, Science and Technology, 2(1), 2019, pp. 76-89 

 2. E. Ozturk Beigmohammadi, E. Demirel, “Numerical solution of a semi-linear elliptic equation via difference scheme”, AIP, 1759, (2016), pp. 020076/1-5.

3. A. Ashyralyev, E. Ozturk, "On Bitsadze-Samarskii type nonlocal boundary value problems for semi-linear elliptic equations", AIP, 1470 (2012), pp. 114-117.

4. A. Ashyralyev, E. Ozturk, "On the fourth order of accuracy difference scheme for the Bitsadze Samarskii type nonlocal boundary value problem", AIP, 1389 (2011), pp. 577-580. 

 5. A. Ashyralyev, E. Ozturk,"Numerical solutions of Bitsadze-Samarskii nonlocal boundary problem for elliptic equation", Further progress in analysis: Proceedings of the 6th International ISAAC Congress Ankara, Turkey 13 - 18 August 2007, World Scientific, (2009) pp. 698-707.


E. Ozturk Beigmohammadi, “Revolutionary Al-Powered Skin Disease Diagnosis”,  Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference, Tromsø, Norway 9-11 January 2024


Sist endret: 15.03.2024 10:03