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Else Cathrine Melhuus

docent\senior lecturer

C4111 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )
ingen fast dag

I am now dosent emerita at the department of Education at the University of Agder as docent.

I have earlier worked in different kindergardens, which led med to take a degree in kindergarden pedagogics, and get employed at the University of Agder. My fields of interest are tuition and tuition projects in cooperation with the field of pracise which our students are connected to. My research interests have been sosialisation, peer relations, and the connections between aesthetics and pedagogy. In my resent research I have focused on children and places, where a meeting between phenomenology and post- human theories been in focus.I have also been a leader of a research nettwork called Democracy in Kindergartens, with members from different Scandinavian and Norwegian universities. My latest research project is with refugee children, named Refugee childrens meetings with kindergardens and local communities on Agder (Norway). 


Refugee childrens meeting with kindergartens and local communities on Agder (Norway). 

This research project is finansed by the Agder Municipality and the University of Agder, and we are a group of 6 researchers, and I am the leader. It focuses on the meeting between refugee children, their families and kindergartens in Agder, Norway. Kindergartens will for  many families be one of the first experience with Norwegian govermental and local society. Our intention is to follow some refugee children in 4 different kindergartens in Agder, as part of their participatory processes. We will especially fokus on how the children and parents experienced their first meeting and being part of the everyday kindergarten life. The project will also investigate how the kindergarten employees and other relvant professionals organize and experience the children's integrationprocesses and cooperation with the parents. 

Questions worth probing into can be: Is the kindergarten a cultural meeting point or does unintended segregation processes take place? Do the children have possibilites  to participate in society , and which social and cultural norms and barriers can be set at stake? Do the professionals feel they have enough competance to meet these challenges? How do the environements interplay with all the participants, and which discursive practices take place? 

In what way do kindergarten places participate in refugee families lives? How do kindergarten spaces and all the things present influence refugee childrens understanding of the kindergarten and them selves? 


I teach in the kindergartenteacher training program and mastercourses in kindergarten knowledge. My topics are mainly peer relations, play, body, children and place, materiality and the multicultural society.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

In english i haved had following publications: 

 Outdoor day-care centres – a culturalization of nature: how do children relate to nature as educational practice? European Early Childhood Education Research Journal Vol. 20, No.3, September 2012, s. 455-467.

Larsen, I.B. and C. Melhuus 2012. The presence of things: a study of the Lego brick and the medication box.
Social Space 1\2016(11)

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2022). Det magiske, forflytning i hverdagen?. Det er her det skjer! Møter med religion, etikk og filosofi i barnehagen. ISBN: 9788215037158. Universitetsforlaget. Artikkel.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2021). Å ta steder på alvor i forskningsfeltet. Å forske blant barn : Kvalitative metoder. ISBN: 9788202689025. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 7. s 116 - 128.
  • Larsen, Inger Beate; Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2016). The presence of things: A study of the lego brick and the medication box as participants in peoples’ lives. Social Space. ISSN: 2084-7696. 11 (1). s 54 - 73.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2015). Regulerende eller bevegelige rom. Tingene, barna og de ansatte.. Demokratiske praksiser i barnehagen. ISBN: 978-82-450-1652-9. Fagbokforlaget. kap. 3. s 67 - 83.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2013). Utebarnehager - et sted for demokratisk praksis?. Nordisk barnehageforskning. ISSN: 1890-9167. 6 (14). s 1 - 18. doi:10.7577/nbf.449.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2012). Hytta i skogen, erfaringer om et "sted". Rom for barnehage : flerfaglige perspektiver på barnehagens fysiske miljø. ISBN: 978-82-450-1126-5. Fagbokforlaget. kapittel 10. s 193 - 211.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2012). Outdoor day-care centres - a culturalization of nature: how do children relate to nature as educational practice?. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. ISSN: 1350-293X. 20 (3). s 455 - 467. doi:10.1080/1350293X.2012.704766.
  • Melhuus, E. Cathrine (2001). Barns kroppsutfoldelse som estetisk praksis. Nordisk Pedagogik. ISSN: 0901-8050. s 14 - 29.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine; Nordtømme, Solveig Irene (2022). Mellom steder,rom og materialer: Teoretiske utforskninger i barnehagen. ISBN: 9788245021042. Fagbokforlaget. s 214.
  • Aasebø, Turid Skarre; Melhuus, E. Cathrine (2007). Rom för barn - rom för kunskap Kropp, kön, vänskap som pedagogiska utmaningar. ISBN: 9789147084050. Liber. s 181.
  • Aasebø, Turid Skarre; Melhuus, E. Cathrine (2005). Rom for barn - rom for kunnskap. Kropp, kjønn, vennskap og medier som pedagogiske utfordringer. ISBN: 8245003182. Fagbokforlaget.
  • Nordtømme, Solveig Irene; Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2022). Perspectives on Materiality: Phenomenology meets post-humanism.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine; Nordtømme, Solveig Irene (2022). Vennskap mellom steder, rom og materialer.
  • Nordtømme, Solveig Irene; Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2018). Positioning of subject and some theoretical and ethical questions.
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2015). Tingenes tilstedeværelse- med blikk på legoklossen og pillefordeleren..
  • Melhuus, Else Cathrine (2015). Methodological challenges when researching materiality and dealing with non-human agency..


Sist endret: 5.04.2024 11:04