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Ellen Margrete Iveland Ersfjord

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

N03021 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Faglige interesser

Medical anthropology, Social studies of children and childhood, obesity research, e-health research, public health research, diabetes research, RCT's, diet and nutrition for people with cognitive disabilities and other vulnerable groups, humor research and organizational anthropology.



Digital follow-up for young adults with Type 1 Diabetes at Sørlandet hospital (DIGPAS DIA)

Digital pathways for patients with HiV - A pilot project with the aim of systematising the use of patients' experiential competence in the specialist health service

The right to a health-promoting diet for people with cognitive disabilities living in assisted living home facilities during the COVID pandemic

The right to a healt-promoting diet for people with cognitive disabilities (HEL-KOST II)

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Johnsen, Hege Mari; Øgård-Repål, Anita; Martinez, Santiago; Fangen, Kim; Aas, Kristin Bårdsen; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2024). Patients’ perceptions of use, needs, and preferences related to a telemedicine solution for HIV care in a Norwegian outpatient clinic: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 24s 1 - 13. doi:10.1186/s12913-024-10659-z.
  • Drilen, Tove Langlo; Tetlie Eik-Nes, Trine; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus; Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri (2024). Perceptions of height and weight screening and associations with body image: a cross-sectional study in early primary school children. BMJ Paediatrics Open. ISSN: 2399-9772. 8 (1). doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2024-002568.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Plasil, Tanja; Johnsen, Hege Mari (2024). Staffs' experiences and strategies to maintain care for individuals with intellectual disabilities living in supported living facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN: 1354-4187. 52 (2). s 385 - 396. doi:10.1111/bld.12589.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Plasil, Tanja; Johnsen, Hege Mari (2023). Ansattes erfaringer og strategier for å opprettholde omsorg for personer med utviklingshemming som bodde i tilrettelagt bolig under covid-19-pandemien. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning. ISSN: 2387-5976. 9 (2). s 9 - 20. doi:10.18261/tfo.9.2.2.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Plasil, Tanja; Heggem, Reidun (2023). Imagined foodways and rejected biopedagogies: Rural children's perspectives of rural foodways. Children & society. ISSN: 0951-0605. doi:10.1111/chso.12765.
  • Følling, Ingrid Sørdal; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Hilmarsen, Christina Wikstrøm; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2021). Exploring use of activity monitors for patients with obesity during weight-loss treatment - a qualitative study. BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation. ISSN: 2052-1847. 13doi:10.1186/s13102-021-00253-9.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2021). Hvordan studerer man barns helse og velvære innen barndomsstudier?. Barndomsstudier i norsk kontekst : Tverrfaglige tilnærminger. ISBN: 9788205519213. Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Hansen, Julie; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2021). The pen, the receiver and the pump: Exploring young children's experiences of having a parent with type 1 diabetes. Children & society. ISSN: 0951-0605. s 1 - 14. doi:10.1111/chso.12440.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2018). 'Look mommy, I'm eating the plate model!' Biopedagogies and coping with obesity through objectification. Sociology of Health and Illness. ISSN: 0141-9889. 40 (5). s 793 - 806. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12726.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2018). Taking children's humor seriously: A study of humor in children diagnosed with obesity and the medicalization of body weight. Childhood. ISSN: 0907-5682. 25 (2). s 189 - 202. doi:10.1177/0907568218760379.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen M. Iveland (2012). Pediatriens konstruksjoner av barn og barndom. Helsesosiologi: Analyser av helse, sykdom og behandling. ISBN: 978-82-05-42414-2. Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 9. s 177 - 193.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen M. Iveland (2008). Pasienten i den medisinske diskurs. Den moderne pasienten. ISBN: 9788205380974. Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 4. s 76 - 88.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Johnsen, Hege Mari (2024). I henhold til ansattes perspektiver, hvilke hovedutfordringer beskriver ansatte at de møtte i sine daglige aktiviteter i tilrettelagte boliger for personer med utviklingshemming under Covid-19-pandemien, og hvilke strategier tok de i bruk?.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2023). Why is there a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in rural areas? A qualitative study of rural children's perspectives of rural foodways..
  • Johnsen, Hege Mari; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland; Øgård-Repål, Anita; Fangen, Kim (2023). HVORDAN SIKRE BRUKERINVOLVERING I UTVIKLINGEN AV DIGITAL HJEMMEOPPFØLGING.
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2023). HEL-KOST: Retten til et helsefremmende kosthold for personer med utviklingshemming som flytter til og bor i egen bolig. Fagdag for ansatte i tjenestene..
  • Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (2023). Brukerstyrt poliklinikk.

Sist endret: 22.06.2023 13:06