Educated geologist and have worked as a science teacher before I completed a masters degree and a Ph.D. in pedagogy
Assessment in higher education
Teacher education
FoU-project, smartboard
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Adalberon, Erik Yves H. (2020). Affordances of a video examination: Opportunities for pre-service teachers to demonstrate professional knowledge of teaching and learning. Educational Practice and Theory. ISSN: 1323-577X. 42 (1). s 47 - 64. doi:10.7459/ept/42.1.04.
Adalberon, Erik Yves H.; Hauge, Trond Eiliv; Saljø, Roger (2019). Pre-service teachers’ experiences with a digital examination design: The inter-relation between continuity and change in an institutional context. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). ISSN: 2535-8219. 13 (3). s 1 - 19. doi:10.5617/adno.6864.
Adalberon, Erik Yves H.; Säljö, Roger (2017). Informal use of social media in higher education: A case study of Facebook-groups. Digital kompetanse. ISSN: 0809-6724. 12 (4). s 114 - 128. doi:10.18261/issn.1891-943x-2017-04-02.
Adalberon, Erik Yves H. (2023). Informasjonsbehov i fagmiljøer utenfor akademia.
Adalberon, Erik Yves H. (2016). Preparing for a new examination mode in teachers' training.
Adalberon, Erik Yves H. (2016). Digital assessment & the use of ICT in the examination of preservice teachers.