Research on eGovernment
- Digitalizing
- Analytics (Big Data)
- Databases
Erasmus+ Egov 3.0
Mikalef, P., Framnes, V., Danielsen, F., Krogstie, J., & Olsen, D. H. (2017). Big data analytics capability: antecedents and business value. In Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia conference on information systems (PACIS).
Danielsen, F., & Framnes, V. A. (2017). Towards an understanding of big data analytics as a weapon for competitive performance (Master's thesis, Universitetet i Agder; University of Agder).
Danielsen, F., Flak, LS., Ronzhyn, A. (2019) Cloud Computing in eGovernment: Benefits and Challenges. In The Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments (ICDS).
F. Danielsen, L. S. Flak and Ø. Sæbø. (2021). Understanding Digital Transformation in Government. In Y. Charalabidis (Ed.), Scientific Foundations of Digital Governance and Transformation: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. Springer
F. Danielsen, D. H. Olsen and V. Augustin Framnes. 2021. Toward an understanding of big data analytics and competitive performance Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 33, 1 (Jun 2021)
Danielsen, F. (2021). Benefits and Challenges of Digitalization: An Expert Study on Norwegian Public Organizations. In International Conference on Digital Government research.
Sist endret: 12.08.2021 11:08