Gå til hovedinnhold

Gunhild Kvåle


Vice Dean of Research

E2073 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

2024-2027: Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Humanities and Education (50%).

Research: visual, multimodal and digital communication, partly within and partly outside of educational contexts. 

Academic profile (CRISTIN)

Faglige interesser

Multimodality, social semiotics, semiotic technology, discourse analysis, systemic functional linguistics, literacy, teacher education research, educational communication.


Pro Dean of Research at Faculty for humanities and Education (2019-2023)

Research projects

Participant in research project ReMed - Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age (2023-2026), funded by Horizon Europe.

Participant in research project "CritLit - Critical Literacy in a digital and global textual world" (2020-2023), funded by the Norwegian Research Council.  

Chairperson of the Nordic association for systemic-functional lingustics and social semiotics

Co-editor of the journal Visual Communication, SAGE (2017-2020).

Member of the research group in Media and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Education, UiA.

Leader of research group Texts and Education from 2015-2019.Leader of the research project "Evaluational texts" (2017-2018).

Research project on "Social Media as Semiotic Technology" in cooperation with Center for Multimodal Communication at University of Southern Denmark. (2015–2018).

Participant in the research project "DigiGLU - Digital literacy and the use of digital resources in Norwegian Teacher Education", funded by the Ugland fund, 2013-15.

Participant in the UiA strategic research project "MULTIKUL – Multimodality and cultural change", funded by UiA, 2011-2015.

Participant in the UiA research project "Multimodality, genre and design", funded by NFR, 2007-2011.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Veum, Aslaug; Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). Det tekstkritiske klasserommet. Funn og erfaringer fra CritLit-prosjektet. ISBN: 9788215071121. Universitetsforlaget. s 328.
  • Tønnessen, Elise Seip; Birkeland, Nils Rune; Drange, Eli-Marie D.; Kvåle, Gunhild; Rambø, Gro-Renée; Vollan, Magnhild (2016). Hva gjør lærerstudenter når de studerer? Lesing, skriving og multimodale tekster i norsk grunnskolelærerutdanning. ISBN: 978-82-15-02631-2. Universitetsforlaget. s 256.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild; Maagerø, Eva; Veum, Aslaug (2015). Kontekst, språk og multimodalitet: Nyere sosialsemiotiske perspektiver. ISBN: 978-82-321-0433-8. Fagbokforlaget. s 276.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). "Visuelle virkelighetsversjoner. KI-genererte bilder som inngang til kritisk literacy i skolen".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). "illustrasjonsbilder og KI-genererte bilder".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). "Critical approaches to generative AI imagery & other digital semiotic technologies".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild; Løvland, Anne; Ertzeid, Ingrid Elisabeth (2024). Boklansering: Det tekstkritiske klasserommet.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild; Westberg, Gustav (2024). "De generisk unike AI-bildene. En kritisk analyse av Dall-E som semiotisk teknologi".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild; Wehus, Walter Norman (2024). "KI-bilder av ungdom: – De blir gjort så vakre at det blir påtrengende".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). "KI-bilder av tenåringer: – Alle er slanke, vakre og har perfekt hud".
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2024). "Kritisk literacy, multimodalitet og teknologi".

Sist endret: 26.01.2024 12:01