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Gunvor Sofia Almlie

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

C5098 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )


Academic writing in the engineering studies


Academic writing

Technology and society

English communication

Scientific theory and method


Norwegian society and culture



Since I started working at UiA  in 2008, I have taught a range of courses in the department of engineering: Culture and technology, Business cultures, English communication, Technology and society and Academic writing. I am currently involved in a research project concerning academic writing in professional studies. Other projects and lectures on the side of the courses I teach: Globalisation and Norwegian industrial history and Libary writing lab.

Faglige interesser

Globalisation and sustainability

Supervision in bachelor projects - the supervisor's role in students' academic writing 

Allmenn formidling

Lectures and supervision for teachers in upper secondary schools: Requirements of writing proficiency for university students.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Almlie, Gunvor Sofia (2022). Kan teknologien redde oss fra klimakrisa?.
  • Almlie, Gunvor Sofia (2022). Å drøfte teknologi og teknologiutvikling i et bærekraftperspektiv.
  • Almlie, Gunvor Sofia (2019). Academic Writing in the Engineering Studies.

Sist endret: 7.01.2021 14:01