"Creative, Inspired and Social!" Besides the involvement I have at UiA, I also do assignments through my own company Foto, Video & Web - Haakon Sundbø.
Previous education:
Jeg har undervist og vært ansvarlig for disse emnene:
In addition, I have been engaged as a supervisor and guest lecturer in these courses:
Studentperspektiv i innføring (adoption) av Canvas - eLUF prosjekter (spring 2017)
DELP 2017 Workshop - Kampala, Uganda
Canvas administrator at Campus Grimstad (2018-2019)
DEKOMP(desentralisert kompetanseutvikling) (2019 - d.d)
REKOMP(Regional ordning for kompetanseutvikling i barnehage) (2021 - d.d)
Sundbø, H. (2016). Development, Usability Engineering and Testing of the Video on Demand Service Filmrommet.no [Master thesis, Universitetet i Agder]. UiA AURA. http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2433867
Isabwe, M; Madshaven, J; Sundbø, H (2023, 6-8 March). ACTIVE LEARNING IN INTERACTIVE SYSTEM DESIGN COURSES [Paper]. 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference https://library.iated.org/view/ISABWE2023ACT
Madshaven, J; Reichart, F; Sundbø, H (2023, 21-23 October). Enhancing the digital skills of teachers in an online setting [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference WWW/Internet 2023.
Sist endret: 27.10.2023 11:10