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Helen Suzanne Palmer

Associate Professor

J1047 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Physiologist and natural science educator.

Subject coordinator for natural science in teacher training for secondary education.

Teaching experience from lower secondary education (Halden and Trondheim municipalities) and higher education (University of the West of Scotland, NTNU, UiA).

Research background in physiology and neurophysiology with a PhD "Protease-activated receptor 2 in arthritis: in vivo mechanisms" (University of the West of Scotland / based at the Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, University of Glasgow) and postdoctoral research in brain imaging with advanced MRI techniques as well as some work in the field of exercise and brain function (based at the Faculty of Medicine, NTNU, now Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences).

Current R&D work is focused on teaching and learning of natural science and physiology, in teacher education programmes and in secondary education.


My earlier research was within physiology and neurophysiology (2004-2017). Now my research interests lie within science education, both in secondary and higher education. 




I teach science education and physiology at the Department of Natural Sciences, mainly for students in our teacher education programmes for lower and upper secondary school (middle and high school).

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Palmer, Helen Suzanne; Efstathiou, Sophia; Lykknes, Annette (2024). Towards more culturally aware teaching of ‘scientific practices’: Understanding science as a social-historical human endeavour. Nordic Studies in Science Education. ISSN: 1504-4556.
  • Palmer, Helen Suzanne (2023). Student active learning in a digital classroom: high-performing science students’ perceptions of their experiences. Nordic Journal of STEM Education. ISSN: 2535-4574. 7 (1). s 27 - 37. doi:10.5324/njsteme.v7i1.4829.
  • Wohlwend, Martin Rainer; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Palmer, Helen (2017). Exercise Intensity-Dependent Effects on Cognitive Control Function during and after Acute Treadmill Running in Young Healthy Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN: 1664-1078. 8doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00406.
  • Palmer, Helen; Håberg, Asta; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Iversen, Vegard Moe; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Eikenes, Live (2013). Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb. Journal of applied physiology. ISSN: 8750-7587. 115 (2). s 167 - 175. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00277.2012.
  • Palmer, Helen (2010). Optogenetic fMRI sheds light on the neural basis of the BOLD signal. Journal of Neurophysiology. ISSN: 0022-3077. 104 (4). s 1838 - 1840. doi:10.1152/jn.00535.2010.
  • Palmer, Helen; Garzon, Benjamin J De C; Xu, Jian; Berntsen, Erik Magnus; Skandsen, Toril; Håberg, Asta (2010). Reduced Fractional Anisotropy Does Not Change the Shape of the Hemodynamic Response in Survivors of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. ISSN: 0897-7151. 27 (5). s 853 - 862. doi:10.1089/neu.2009.1225.
  • Palmer, Helen Suzanne (2024). Studentledet høring om HeLa celler.
  • Palmer, Helen Suzanne (2023). Applied improv in science education: accepting gifts and embracing failure.
  • Palmer, Helen (2021). Actionbound kurs for faglærere.
  • Palmer, Helen (2021). Actionbound kurs for kroppsøvingslærere.
  • Palmer, Helen (2021). Kompetansekveld for lærere og lærerstudenter om bruk av Actionbound for å tilrettelegge for utendørs læringsløyper.
  • Garshol, Lenka; Drange, Eli-Marie D.; Palmer, Helen Suzanne; Vos, Pauline; Baartman, Desire (2021). Actionbound seminar.

Sist endret: 22.03.2024 10:03