I started my Phd fellowship in September 2022, and the working title of my project is "Between War and Refuge: Mediterranean crossing in literary representations of the Euopean 'refugee crisis'".The aim of the project is to study contemporary literary representations of the refugee crisis, and particularily to analyse the ways in which the Mediterranean space functions as a prism through which the figure of the refugee is reconfigured.
Literary theory
Migration literature
Refugee narratives
EN-166 American and British Literature - part 1 (Autumn 2023)
EN-162 American and British Literature and Culture - part 2 (Spring 2023)
EN-160 American and British Literature and Culture - part 1 (Autumn 2022)
EN-104 Introduction to American Literature and Culture (Spring 2019)
EN-103 Introduction to British Literature (Autumn 2018)
2019-2022 Advisor Agder Red Cross
2018-2019 Assistant Professor (temp) at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, UiA
2019 Teacher (temp) at Kvadraturen upper secondary school
2018-2019 Freelance teaching work for UN Association of Norway
PhD project: "Between War and Refuge: Mediterranean crossing in literary representations of the European 'refugee crisis'"
Conference papers:
2022. 'A Journey Without Arrival: The Mediterranean Space and 'islandment' in What Strange Paradise by Omar El Akkad'. Presented at the 'Narratives of Displacement' conference, organised by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in October 2022.
2019: ‘Refugee Narratives and Identity: An Analysis of Breach by Popoola and Holmes’. Presented at the ‘Uses and Abuses of Storytelling’ conference, organised by the network ‘Narrative and Memory. Ethics. Aesthetics. Politics.’ at the University of Turku in February 2019.
2018. ‘From Palestinian to Cosmopolitan: Detachment from Homeland in Hala Alyan ́s Salt Houses’. Presented at the ‘The Past and Future of Cosmopolitanism’ conference, organised by ASANOR at the University of Agder in October 2018.
'Storytelling and belonging: on two Palestinian women's voices' (title in Norwegian: 'Fortelling og tilhørighet: om to sterke palestinske kvinnestemmer'). Lecture given at the public libraries in Kristiansand and in Mandal on the 29 January 2019 and 3 April 2019. Invited by the libraries and the Palestine Comitee in Vest-Agder.
Sist endret: 14.08.2023 13:08