Hossein Baharmand is an Associate Professor of Project and Supply Chain Management at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder (UiA). He serves as the Programme Director for the Master's programme in Industrial Economics and Technology Management. With a background in Industrial Engineering, Hossein holds a PhD in Information and Communication Technology from UiA.
At UiA, he teaches the Master's course IND416-G: Project Planning and Management (7.5 ECTS) and oversees IND590-G: Master Thesis. During spring semesters, he typically supervises 2-3 Master's students on topics related to his expertise and research interests.
Hossein's research explores the intersection of technology and operations management, with a particular focus on the context of humanitarian aid. He collaborates closely with humanitarian workers, and his papers have been published in leading OM/OR journals such as International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), Computers in Industry (CII), International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Transportation Research Part E (TRE), and Annals of Operations Research (ANOR), as well as top interdisciplinary journals like Technology in Society (TIS) and International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR).
As a mixed-method researcher, Dr. Baharmand frequently employs interviews, surveys, and focus groups for data collection. He confidently applies content analysis, mathematical modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based modeling for data analysis.
Hossein co-chairs the research cluster "Technology Support for Humanitarian Aid" at UiA's Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM), which has been a priority research center at UiA since 2021. Internationally, Dr. Baharmand serves as the Publication and Standards Chair at the learned society Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). He also holds the position of Area Editor at the Operations Management Research journal and has guest-edited special issues for Information and Technology Management (ITM) and IJDRR.
Currently, Dr. Baharmand leads the research project DigCBA: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-Based Assistance for Refugee Crises. Funded by the Research Council of Norway (2021-2024), DigCBA is a three-year project within the Global Development theme. Previously, he successfully led and delivered the research project CONTRA: COVID-19 Technology-based Responsive Action, which was also funded by the Research Council of Norway (2020-2022).
Norwegian Research Council:
EU Horizon 2020:
Sist endret: 26.03.2023 20:03