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Inger Marie Dalehefte

Head of Department

Associate Professor

32121 ( Universitetsveien 32, Kristiansand )


Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany. (Dr. Phil: February 2007). 


Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany. (Diploma in Psychology: Mai 2002).


Ludwig Erhard School &  Dental-Depot Paul Stolzenburg, both Kiel, Germany. Dual vocational education  (Title: „Kauffrau im Groß- und Außenhandel“, Jan. 1995). 


The University of Oslo. (Course: German language „Tysk Grunnfag“: Juni 1991). Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel. Germany. Germanistik-course. (Exm.: 1992)


The University of Oslo. (Ex. Phil.: Aug. 1989; Linguistics and phonetics: Aug. 1990).



Head, Department of education, Faculty of humanities and education, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.


Associate Professor. Department of education, Faculty of humanities and education, University of Agder,   Kristiansand, Norway.


Senior researcher. Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel, Germany.              


PhD Student. Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) Kiel, Germany.






At present:

School In and Democratic Mobilization

Publications: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lnimeOkNBde_BrpNkwdyI9JKL8bo_l8c/view?usp=sharing


Former projects at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) in Kiel (Germany) http://www.ipn.uni-kiel.de/en?set_language=en:


SINUS for Primary Schools and ELBE (Detection of Cognitive Learning Processes and Eye-Movements using Eye-Tracking-Methodology). 


NEPS (National Educational Panel Study). 


Teaching and Learning Processes in Physics Instruction -A Comparative study in Germany and Switzerland.


IPN Videostudy in  Physics Instruction (8th and 9th grade) and LUV ”Learning from classroom videotapes”.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Ask, Anne Merete Selvik; Bachke, Carl Christian (2024). Hvilke kompetanser tilfører førstelektorer og dosenter akademia?. UNIPED. ISSN: 1500-4538. 47 (4). s 299 - 313. doi:10.18261/uniped.47.4.6.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Canrinus, Esther Tamara (2023). Fostering Pupils’ Deep Learning and Motivation in the Norwegian Context: A Study of Pupils’ Perceptions of Mathematics Instruction and the Link to Their Learning Outcomes. Effective Teaching Around the World. Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights. ISBN: 978-3-031-31678-4. Springer. Chapter 27. s 619 - 634.
  • Denfeld, Annette-Pascale; Canrinus, Esther Tamara; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2023). Teacher identity in work with students' psychosocial environment: A systematic review of quantitative research. Psychology in the Schools. ISSN: 0033-3085. 60 (12). s 5041 - 5061. doi:10.1002/pits.23001.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). Aim and Scope of the Technical Report. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Introduction. s 9 - 12.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Fjalsett, Georg Kristoffer; Kristiansen, Aslaug (2022). Raising Children to Become Democratic Citizens. Educational Initiatives for Preventing Extremism and Radicalization in Norway. The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism. Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration. ISBN: 978-90-04-52563-4. Brill|Sense. Chapter 8. s 201 - 223.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Hillen, Prof. Andrea Stefanie (2022). Reflection Cycle - from Collective Ideas to joint action. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 6. s 81 - 90.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2022). Reflections on Relevance and Quality in School-In. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 11. s 169 - 184.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Hillen, Prof. Andrea Stefanie; Horrigmo, Kirsten Johansen; Sæbø, Grethe Ingebrigtsvold (2022). The Project School-In - an Overview. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 2. s 13 - 32.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2022). The Questionnaires in School-In. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 10. s 133 - 167.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Hornnes, Andrea M.O. (2022). The School-In Video Study. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 9. s 117 - 132.
  • Wolcott, Peter; Schaffer, Connie; Hillen, Prof. Andrea Stefanie; Lazareva, Aleksandra; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2021). Steps in conceptualizing assessment culture – progress and challenges developing a survey. Assessment theory, policy, and practice in higher education - Integrating feedback into student learning. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4478-2. Waxmann Verlag. Kapittel 8. s 123 - 136.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2020). Et skritt i riktig retning – fremdeles en vei å gå. En instituttleders perspektiv på førstelektor- og dosentprosjektet ved Universitetet i Agder. Å satse på dosenter: Et utviklingsarbeid. ISBN: 9788202695767. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 14. s 271 - 277.
  • Janik, Tomas; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Zehetmeier, Stefan (2019). Introduction: On Research-based Teacher Education. Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-based Teacher Education. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4029-6. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 1. s 7 - 16.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2019). Linking School’s Local Context to Instruction: An Important Characteristic of the In-Service Teacher Professionalisation in School-In. Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-based Teacher Education. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4029-6. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 5. s 77 - 88.
  • Canrinus, Esther Tamara; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Myhre, Sunniva (2019). VET teachers’ beliefs on collaboration, identity, and status and their relationship with professional development. Pedagogische Studiën. ISSN: 0165-0645. 96 (6). s 463 - 480.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Rieck, Karen; Wendt, Heike; Kasper, Daniel; Köller, Olaf; Bos, Wilfried (2015). Mathematische Kompetenzen von Lernenden aus SINUS-Grundschulen im Vergleich zu TIMSS 2011. 10 Jahre international vergleichende Schulleistungsforschung in der Grundschule. Vertiefende Analysen zu IGLU und TIMSS 2001 bis 2011. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3333-5. Waxmann Verlag. Kapittel IX. s 185 - 200.
  • Rieck, Karen; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Wendt, Heike; Kasper, Daniel (2015). Wie schneidet das Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogramm SINUS an Grundschulen im Vergleich zu TIMSS 2011 ab? Evaluation der naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Daten. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung (ZfG). ISSN: 1865-3553. 8 (1). s 39 - 52.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Wendt, Heike; Köller, Olaf; Wagner, Helene; Pietsch, Marcus; Döring, Brigitte; Fischer, Claudia; Bos, Wilfried (2014). Bilanz von neun Jahren SINUS an Grundschulen in Deutschland. Evaluation der mathematikbezogenen Daten im Rahmen der TIMSS 2011. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. ISSN: 0044-3247. 60 (2). s 245 - 263.
  • Thoma, Gun-Brit; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Köller, Olaf (2014). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Multiple-Choice-Tests zur Erfassung von Wissen über das menschliche Gehirn und Nervensystem. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht. ISSN: 0342-183X. 61 (3). s 231 - 236. doi:10.2378/peu2014.art18d.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Rieck, Karen (2014). How do German primary School Teachers prepare students for science standards? Finding from a video study of the Professional Development Program SINUS for Primary School. Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formatione In Rete. ISSN: 1825-7321. 14 (2). s 7 - 20. doi:10.13128/formare-15123.
  • Fischer, Claudia; Rieck, Karen; Döring, Brigitte; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Trepke, Franziska (2014). SINUS in Grundschulen: Eine kurze Bilanz nach neun Jahren. Unterrichtswissenschaft – Zeitschrift für Lernforschung. ISSN: 0340-4099. 42 (1). s 87 - 91.
  • Lindner, Marlit Annalena; Eitel, Alexander; Thoma, Gun-Brit; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Ihme, Jan-Marten; Köller, Olaf (2014). Tracking the Decicion-Making Process in Multiple Choice Assessment: Evidence from Eye Movements. Applied Cognitive Psychology. ISSN: 0888-4080. 28 (5). s 738 - 752. doi:10.1002/acp.3060.
  • Hahn, Inga; Schöps, Katrin; Rönnebeck, Silke; Martensen, Maike; Hansen, Sabine; Saß, Steffani; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Prenzel, Manfred (2013). Assessing scientific literacy over the lifespan - A description of the NEPS science framework and the test development. Journal for Educational Research Online. ISSN: 1866-6671. 5 (2). s 110 - 138.
  • Fischer, Claudia; Kobarg, Marieke; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Trepke, Franziska (2013). Ein Unterrichtsprogramm wissenschaftlich begleiten. Anlage und Hintergründe des Forschungsdesigns. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht. ISSN: 0342-183X. 60 (1). s 26 - 31. doi:10.2378/peu2013.art02d.
  • Kobarg, Mareike; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Menk, Marleen (2012). Der Einsatz systematischer Videoanalysen zur Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit des Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogramms SINUS an Grundschulen. Lehrerprofessionalisierung wissenschaftlich begleiten - Strategien und Methoden. ISBN: 978-3830927686. Waxmann Verlag. II Maßnahmen zur Lehrerprofessionalisierung in Netzwerken. s 181 - 194.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Kobarg, Mareike (2012). Einführung in die Grundlagen systematischer Videoanalysen in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. ISBN: 978-3-8309-2485-2. Waxmann Verlag. Teil I. Grundlagen. s 15 - 26.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Seidel, Tina; Prenzel, Manfred (2012). Reflecting on Learning from Errors in School Instruction - Findings and Suggestions from a Swiss-German Video Study. Human Fallibility. The Ambiguity of Errors for Work and Learning. ISBN: 978-90-481-3940-8. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. Chapter 12. s 197 - 214.
  • Fischer, Claudia; Kobarg, Mareike; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Trepke, Franziska (2012). Wirkungen von Maßnahmen zur Lehrerprofessionalisierung feststellen - Unterrichtsentwicklung im Program SINUS an Grundschulen mit verschiedenen Instrumenten und Methoden erheben. Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. ISBN: 978-3-8309-2485-2. Waxmann Verlag. Teil IV. Empirische Lehrerbildungsforschung. s 195 - 208.
  • Kobarg, Mareike; Thoma, Gun-Brit; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Seidel, Tina; Prenzel, Manfred (2011). Lernwirksame Unterrichtsbedingungen in der Unterrichtsplanung berücksichtigen.. Jahrbuch Allgemeine Didaktik 2011. Thementeil: Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung allgemeindidaktischer Modelle der Unterrichtsplanung. ISBN: 978-3834009449. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH. Thementeil. s 46 - 58.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Rimmele, Rolf; Prenzel, Manfred; Seidel, Tina; Labudde, Peter; Herweg, Constanze (2009). Observing instruction "next-door". A Video Study about Science Teaching and Learning in Germany and Switzerland. The Power of Video Studies in Investigating Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. ISBN: 978-3-8309-2208-7. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 5. s 83 - 102.
  • Seidel, Tina; Prenzel, Manfred; Schwindt, Katharina; Rimmele, Rolf; Kobarg, Mareike; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2009). The link between teaching and learning - Investigating effects of physics teaching on student learning in the context of the IPN Video Study. The Power of Video Studies in Investigating Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. ISBN: 978-3-8309-2208-7. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 9. s 161 - 180.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. s 189.
  • Janik, Tomas; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Zehetmeier, Stefan (2019). Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-based Teacher Education. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4029-6. Waxmann Verlag. s 186.
  • Kobarg, Mareike; Fischer, Claudia; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Trepke, Franziska; Menk, Marleen (2012). Lehrerprofessionalisierung wissenschaftlich begleiten - Strategien und Methoden. ISBN: 978-3830927686. Waxmann Verlag. s 198.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Kobarg, Mareike (2013). Aus Unterrichtsbeobachtungen lernen. Handreichung im Rahmen des Programms SINUS an Grundschulen. ISBN: 978-3-89088-224-6. IPN. s 17.
  • Endresen-Maharaj, Kristin; Brehmer, Mareike; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Demeschkant, Nataliia; Schnebel, Stefanie (2024). Fostering teacher students’ value attitudes and didactic competencies-a study course.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2024). Demokratiets verdier under press - Hvordan kan utdanningene spille en rolle?.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Brehmer, Mareike; Endresen, Kristin; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Demeschkant, Nataliia; Schnebel, Stefanie (2024). Competencies for Democratic Culture – A Comparison of German, Polish, and Norwegian Core Curricula.
  • Herlofsen, Camilla; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Lie, Janaina Hartveit; Revheim, Cecilie; Hals-Lydersen, Aleksander (2024). Fostering knowledge and skills about violence against children (VAC) and child sexual abuse (CSA) in higher education in Norway and its relevance for future work and professional role and responsibility Preliminary findings from the PROFUND Project.
  • Brehmer, Mareike; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Endresen-Maharaj, Kristin; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Schnebel, Stefanie; Demeshkant, Nataliia (2024). Competences for Democratic Culture - A Comparison of German, Polish, and Norwegian Core Curricula.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Brehmer, Mareike; Endresen, Kristin; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Schnebel, Stefanie; Demeshkant, Nataliia (2024). Competences for Democratic Culture - A Comparison of German, Polish, and Norwegian Core Curricula.
  • Denfeld, Annette-Pascale; Canrinus, Esther Tamara; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2024). A matter of perspective: How a safe environment for all impacts teachers.
  • Säljö, Roger; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Tønnevold, Ingunn; Kristiansen, Aslaug (2024). Learning from encounters with the infrastructure of terror. Student visits to a Gestapo headquarters.
  • Denfeld, Annette-Pascale; Canrinus, Esther Tamara; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2024). A matter of perspective: How a safe environment for all impacts teachers.

Sist endret: 15.11.2023 22:11