Course responsible for the course "Nature, health and moovement" (NHB) in the workplace based early childhood education (nursery school teacher) (ABLU).
Lecturer in NHB in early childhood education studies (ABLU and BLU).
Lecturer in health- and sports science.
PhD project ( linked to a national multisenter surveillance study "Kartlegging Aktivitet Norge" (KAN), investigating the status of body composition and musculoskeletal- and motor fitness in Norwegian adults among other variables and the "Aktiv i Sør" (AiS) study, investigating the effect of a tailored telephone and (e)mail based physical activity intervention on physical fitness and body composition in a sample physically inactive adults (40-55 yrs) in the Agder comminuties: A randomized controlled trial.
Part of the project "Ung i Risør: Mat, måltider og fysisk aktivitet" (UIR) which is a pilotstudy aiming at investigating the effect of a school based intervention focusing on a healthy communal meal and increased physical activity on the mental- and psychological health of youth (9th grade).
Part of the research group PASTA - Physiologic Adaptation in Sport and Physical Activity .
Sist endret: 4.12.2018 21:12