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Ingrid Breilid Gimse

PhD Research Fellow

Cand.theol. from MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (2019).


In my PhD project, I analyze the publication history of Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (DJD), the official publication series of the Dead Sea Scrolls, focusing especially on editorial practices. 

Member of:
Norsk gammeltestamentlig selskap (NGTS)
Society of Old Testament Studies (SOTS)
Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
Forum for holy scriptures
European Society for Women in Theological Research (ESWTR)

Faglige interesser

The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Old Testament
Knowledge production


Research Fellow in The Lying Pen of Scribes: Manuscript Forgeries, Digital Imaging, and Critical Provenance Research.

PhD project on the publication history of Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (DJD), the official publication series of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2024). The Battle of the Scrolls: Publication rights and access.
  • Hægeland, Signe Marie; Elgvin, Torleif; Gimse, Ingrid Breilid; Justnes, Årstein; Press, Michael David (2023). Dødehavsrullene – en innføring (podcast).
  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). What should a scholarly edition of a Dead Sea Scroll be?.
  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). The Funding of the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Series (DJD): Following the Money Trail.
  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). Guidelines for Contributors to the DJD Series: Written and Unwritten Rules.
  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). DJD, the Chassis of Dead Sea Scrolls Research.
  • Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). Tale as old as time: Discovery and provenance in Dead Sea Scrolls publications.
  • Scales, Joseph; Gwyther, Katherine; DeVries, Michael; Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2022). Dead Sea Scrolls in the Modern Era: Provenance and Forgery, Part 2.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild; Justnes, Årstein; Gimse, Ingrid Breilid (2021). Å forske på Dødehavsrullene.
  • Scales, Joseph; Gimse, Ingrid Breilid; Gwyther, Katherine; DeVries, Michael (2021). Dead Sea Scrolls in the Modern Era: Provenance and Forgery, Part 1..

Sist endret: 19.04.2024 17:04