Cand. mag. in Mathematics, Chemistry and ICT (1994, Agder University College)
Practical pedagogical Education (1995, Agder University College)
Cand. scient. in Mathematics Education (1997, Agder University College)
PhD in Mathematics Education (2008, University of Agder)
Working experience
1997-2004 Assistant professor in mathematics education
2004-2008 PhD student in mathematics education
2008-ongoing: Associate professor in mathematics education
2011-2018: Study coordinator for studies in mathematics at the department (part time)
2018-ongoing: Head of Department, Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science
Extensive experience as examinator in Mathematics and Mathematics Education at different institutions in Norway, including external examinator of approximately 100 master theses in Mathematics Education. Have been in expert panels as PhD opponent, and socalled critical friend at compulsory PhD Education seminars in Mathematics Education (50 %, 70 % and 90% seminars). Several external jobs such as expert panels for scientific positions in Norway, and in expert panel for NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) for applications for accreditation of University Colleges in Norway applying for 5-year master programmes in teacher education.
Teaching and supervision: Currently supervision of several bachelor, and master students in Mathematics Education. and is the main supervisor for three PhD-students in Mathematics Education. Some teaching at the doctoral program in Mathematics Education, and previous years I have taught kindergarten teacher students, teacher students, master students mathematics and mathematics education courses. Have conducted successful supervsion of one PhD-student in Mathematics Education (Inger Norunn Nergaard i 2016: "Local knowledge in mathematics teaching: A product of professional action").
Main research interest:
Children’s learning of mathematics in kindergarten and early years at school.
Use of digital tools in the learning and teaching of mathematics
Internal research groups:
Member of MERK - Mathematics Education Research in Kindergarten, and DIM - Digital Interactive Mathematics Teaching, subgroups in Mathematics Didactics:
External research groups:
The current leader (2016-2019) for the European Network for Researchers within Early Years Mathematics
Ongoing external funded research projects:
The Agder Project
Researching 5 years old children's learning outcome from an experimental program with a playful inquiry based approach to mathematics in kindergarten. I contribute as developer of the experimental program, researcher and the main supervisor of a PhD-student (Svanhild Breive: External funding from the Norwegian Research Council (2014-2019):
Digital interactive mathematics teaching
The project is a collaboration with schools in the area of Kristiansand and UiA, where I contribute as researcher and main supervisor of a Ph.D.-student (Anders Støle Fidje: and master students. The aim of the project is to develop innovative teaching in mathematics in a digital environment at lower secondary school. The DIM-project is funded by the Regional Research Funds in Norway Agder (RFF-Agder), under the category public projects (2015-2018): .
Member of the steering board to MatRIC. MatRIC is a National Centre of Excellence for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching, and was awared UiA by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) in 2012. I am the main supervisor of a Ph.D.-student in MatRIC (Henrik Aadland Kjelsrud:
Sist endret: 15.01.2024 09:01