Academic Interests
Jarle Trondal's main fields of research include European public administration, administrative behavior, administrative reform, and organizational studies.
Trondal has a doctoral degree from University of Oslo, ARENA (2001). His thesis dealt with the administrative integration of EU institutions and domestic public administration through EU committees.
He is currently Professor in public administration at University of Agder and at ARENA.
Positions held
2022-: Senior Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
2010-2015: Honorary Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
2006-present: Professor, University of Agder, Department of Political Science and Management
2002-2006: Associate Professor, Agder University College, Department of Political Science and Management
2001-2002: Senior Researcher, NIFU-STEP
1996-2001: Research Fellow at ARENA, University of Oslo
The publication record is centred on themes such as governance, organizational theory, political order (trans)formation, European Union studies, and public administration. Publications appear in influential international peer reviewed journals – such as Governance, Public Administration, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Review, and others – and I publish with major international press – such as Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan and others.
I have been research leader and research participant within at least three main research areas over several years: (1) The Europeanisation of domestic government institutions. Projects and publications within this research area focus on the Europeanisation (national adaptation) of domestic government institutions and decision-making processes. The studies are comparative diachronic and synchronic with emphasis on central administrations. (2) The transformation of the European executive branch of government. Publications and projects within this research area focus attention towards an emergent common administrative order in Europe through the development of new institutional constellations and configurations. This line of research emphasizes new patterns of integration of public administration and how it contributes to transform the branch of executive government. 3) International Public Administration (IPA). Publications and research projects within this area aim at specifying conditions under which IPAs enjoy independence from member-state governments, and thereby transforms global governance. This research interest also aims to build sub-disciplinary bridges between public administration and international relation.
ST 400: Political Systems and Governance
ST 600: Composite Political Systems and Governance
Current and previous research projects:
- “EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (EU3D)”, H2020 SC6 (2019-23), Trondal participant.
- “Post-Crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO)”, H2020 MSCA ITN (2017-20), Trondal participant.
- ”The Academic Research Network on Agencification of EU Executive Governance (TARN)”, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network (2015-18), Trondal participant and editor of working paper series.
- “Integration and Division: Towards a Segmented Europe? (EuroDiv)”, Research Council of Norway (2013-18), Trondal WP co-leader on ‘The European executive order in times of crisis’.
- RECON Research Programme (“Reconstituting Democracy in Europe”), an Integrated Project financed by the EU´s Sixth Framework Programme) (2007-2011), Trondal participant.
- “DISC – Dynamics of International Executive Institutions”, Research Council of Norwegian (“FRIPRO” grants) (2003-2009), Trondal PI.
- IDNET research programme (”Europeanization, Collective Identities and Public Discourses”) 1999-2002. Thematic network founded under the EU´s Fifth Framework Programme. Trondal participant.
- “CONNEX – The Network of Excellence on efficient and democratic governance in the European Union”, funded under the EU Sixth Framework Programme of Research (2004-2008). Trondal participant.
- ”EUROTRANS - The Transformation and Sustainability of European Political Order”, Research Council of Norway 2007-2012. Trondal participant.
- “Differentiated integration in the European Union after ‘Brexit’” (UACES funded Collaborative Research Network). Network Coordinators: Benjamin Leruth, Stefan Gänzle and Jarle Trondal.
- “Governance in Turbulent Times”. Three Peder Sather Grants (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16), University of California, Berkeley. Trondal PI.
Trondal, J. (2010) An Emergent European Executive Order. Oxford University Press.
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2009) ´National agencies in the European administrative space: government driven, Commission driven or networked?´, Public Administration 87(4): 779-790.
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2009) ´Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy: Effects of agencification´, Governance 22(4): 673-688.
Trondal, J., M. Marcussen, T. Larsson and F. Veggeland (2013) Unpacking International Organizations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2011) `EU-level agencies: New executive centre formation or vehicles for national control?`, Journal of European Public Policy 18(6): 868-887.
Trondal, J. and B.G. Peters (2013) ´The rise of European administrative space: Lessons learned´, Journal of European Public Policy 20(2): 295-307.
Bauer, M.W. and J. Trondal (eds.) (2015) The Palgrave Handbook of the European Administrative System. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2016) ´Why strong coordination at one level of governance is incompatible with strong coordination across levels (and how to live with it): The case of the European Union´, Public Administration 9(3): 579-592.
Ansell, C., J. Trondal and M. Ogard (eds.) (2017) Governance in Turbulent Times. Oxford University Press..
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2018) An Organizational Approach to Public Governance. Oxford University Press.
Egeberg, M. and J. Trondal (2018) An Organizational Approach to Public Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Christensen, T., M. Egeberg, P. Lægeid and J. Trondal (2018) Sentralforvaltningen. Stabilitet og endring gjennom 40 år. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Sist endret: 23.09.2022 16:09