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Jørn Eivind Schau


Professor / Head of Music Performance Programmes

K3020 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Flautist Jørn Eivind Schau is a full time Professor and Head of Music Performance Programmes in Classical Music at the University of Agder (UiA). He has also held teaching positions at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland (Visiting Professor), the University of Tromsø (UiT) and the University of Trondheim (NTNU).

He was trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Norwegian Music Academy in Oslo, and has served with the major Norwegian symphony orchestras and professional wind bands. During the years prior to entering his UiA position, he worked with the Wind Orchestra of Southern Norway, and was affiliated to the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra. He has toured for Concerts Norway, worked for theatres in musical productions and participated in classical and commercial recordings, as well as broadcasting productions (NRK, YLE, SV2, DR).

Schau is a frequent guest at International festivals and flute conventions. As a concert flautist and University master-clinician he has visited Sweden, Denmark, Finland, England, Poland, Germany, Hungary, France, Portugal, Turkey, Albania, Russia and the US. He regularly gives courses for the Patrick Gallois Flute Studio (Poland) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte (Germany) and has published articles, book-chapters and forewords to publications at Edition Svitzer (Denmark), Ars Nova (Poland) and Musikkforlaget (Norway).

Being an experienced adjudicator, he has served as member of jury-panels for several International competitions, such as: The French National Flute Competition in Nice, France 2010; Second International Flute Competition in Izmir, Turkey 2012; European Flute Ensemble Competition in Freiburg, Germany 2013; International Flute Ensemble Competition in Monaco 2014; Maxence Larrieu International Flute Competition, France (the European Prize) in 2015 and 2019; the Gnessin International Flute Competition in Moscow, Russia and the 1st International E. Towarnicki Flute Competition in Poland in 2020.

Jørn Schau has been the Artistic Director of the Norwegian Flute Ensemble since 2008, the Chief Conductor of the German Flute Orchestra (2016-17) and the European Flute Ensemble since 2016. The latter he co-founded together with flautist Dr. Prof. Ewa Murawska, with whom he has had an artistic and academic partnership for over a decade.

His special interest for the flute ensemble format and music for multiple flutes has led to numerous workshops in Europe and the US, and close collaboration with composers to expand the flute ensemble repertoire. The discography includes work-dedications by Trygve Madsen, Hans Magne Græsvold, Konrad Øhrn and Terje Mathisen; Baroque concertos by Bach, Händel and Vivaldi; transcriptions of music from the Renaissance by Palestrina, Prætorius, Gesualdo and Monteverdi, and standard modern flute ensemble repertoire by ao. composers Andrew Downes and Charles Threatte.

Schau has co-managed several EEA/Norway Grant projects (2013-2014, 2020-2021, 2022-2023) and was the Artistic Director of the Kristiansand Summer Symphony Courses 2011-2013. He has been Chairman of the European Flute Associations Council since 2016, which is a strategic venture to develop sustainable projects across Europe – focusing on artistic and educational development within flute playing. 

Schau initiated the Norwegian Flute Society in 2009 and became the society’s first chair. He was the Artistic Director of the Norwegian Flute Festival 2011-2015, and he co-directed the European Flute Festival (2021) and the European Flute Ensemble Event (2019) as Chair of the European Flute Council. 

Jørn Schau received the University of Agder Education Award for 2014.

He is a Sankyo Flute Artist, Japan.






Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). On the need for social inclusion: a few words from the editors. Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. 1. s 13 - 16.
  • Schau, Jørn; Øvrebø, Daniel Henry (2023). Socially inclusive education and co-creation under the auspices of The Norwegian Flute Ensemble. Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. 19. s 315 - 328.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Schau, Jørn (2021). Edukacja akademicka w zakresie wykonawstwa muzycznego w zmieniającym się świecie: zapowiedź nowego programu nauczania? Sprawozdanie z projektu pilotażowego. E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy. ISBN: 978-83-65727-62-6. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 16. s 257 - 276.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Schau, Jørn (2021). Higher Music Performance Education in a Changing World: Towards a New Curriculum?. Music E-ducation in XXI- st century. New challenges and perspectives. ISBN: 978-83-65727-59-6. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. s 195 - 208.
  • Schau, Jørn (2020). All aboard! Inclusion in Norwegian Cultural Schools – exemplified with cases from two towns. Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: On the Need for Transcultural Education—Social, Ethical, Musical and Medical Aspects. ISBN: 978-83-65727-53-4. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 12. s 209 - 226.
  • Schau, Jørn (2020). Wszyscy na poklad! Aspekty inkluzji w Noweskich gminnych szkolach kulturalnych na przykladzie dwoch miast. Szkolnictwo w Europie Srodkowej i Północnej: O potrzebie edikacji transkulturowej – Aspekty spoleczne, etyczne, musyzne I zdrowotne. ISBN: 978-83-7768-273-9. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 12. s 189 - 206.
  • Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. s 496.
  • Murawskiej, Ewy; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja; Baum, Ewy; Schau, Jørn (2022). Edukacja jako impuls do społecznej inkluzji. ISBN: 978-83-65727-68-8. Akademia Muzyczna im. I.  J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. s 496.
  • Murawska, Ewa; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rykowski, Mikolaj (2020). Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: On the Need for Transcultural Education—Social, Ethical, Musical and Medical Aspects. ISBN: 978-83-65727-53-4. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. s 374.
  • Murawskiej, Ewy; Baum, Ewy; Schau, Jørn; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja (2020). Szkolnictwo w Europie Srodkowej i Północnej: O potrzebie edikacji transkulturowej – Aspekty spoleczne, etyczne, musyzne I zdrowotne. ISBN: 978-83-7768-273-9. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. s 374.
  • Murawskiej, Ewy; Schau, Jørn; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja; Kłysz-Sokalskiej, Natalii (2021). E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy. ISBN: 978-83-65727-62-6. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. s 292.
  • Schau, Jørn (2020). "Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: about the need for Transcultural Education -Social, Ethical,Musical and Medical Aspects"; Monograph, member of editorial committee. ISBN: 978-83-65727-53-4. Jan Paderewsky Music Academy Poznan, Poland. s 350.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). Concert, Kerteminde Church (Denmark), 12.Oct. 2024, The Danish-Norwegian Flute Connection, cooperation UiA/ Danish National Academy of Music, Odense.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). Concert, Danish National Academy of Music Concert Hall, 13th October, The Danish-Norwegian Flute connection, cooperation UiA/National Academy of Music, Odense.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). "The Danish-Norwegian Flute Connection" -- flute cooperation between UiA Classical Music Department and Danish National Academy of Music, Odense, Denmark Oct.10-13 2024.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 23th July.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 22th July.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Public masterclass 21th July.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Presentation Norwegian Flutists Concert 20th July.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). Jury member International Flute Competition W.Neess in Wiesbaden, Germany,June 24-July 02, 2024.
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). Lecture: "Artistic Research at the UiA Classical Music Department - with examples of recent debates and projects" (Lecture manuscript: J.Schau/R.Rolfhamre). Digital presentation..
  • Schau, Jørn (2024). Mesterklasser og workshops med fløytestudenter fra Musikhøgskolen Ingesund Arvika, 7.-9. april 2024: Sted UiA.

Sist endret: 7.03.2022 01:03