Educational background:
1977, Master in ecological botany, University of Bergen
1977, Educational seminar, Kristiansand teacher university college
1995, Promoted to associate professor
2014, Ph.D. Partnership in teacher education, ecological perspective, faculty of psychology, University of Bergen (UiB).
Working experience:
1977-1978, lecturer, Kristiansand trade gymnasium
1978-1990, lecturer, Møvig secondary school
1990- 1995, lecturer, University College of Agder (HiA)
1995 -2001, associate professor, department of Natural Science, HiA
2001-2003, Leader of teacher education, HiA
2003-2007, Dean, teacher education, HiA
2007- associate professor, department of natural science, University of Agder
Academic interests
Partnership in teacher education between universities and kindergarten/ schools
Education for sustainable development in teacher education, schools and kindergartens
Natural science in teacher education
1991- 2001, participated in several research projects with emphasis on outdoor education in kindergartens and schools, in Norway and Poland.
2015 – participates in a Polish-Norwegian partnership project with emphasis on education for sustainable development in kindergarten and primary school
Sist endret: 7.11.2018 08:11