I am affiliated with the Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM) at the University of Agder,About my postdoc projects:Using video for information collection and decision support for emergency stakeholders' situational awareness is highly relevant for future crisis management. Video images can contribute valuable information and provide a sufficient basis for decision-making, and help the stakeholders to develop a common situational understanding. My research considers how video images can be used in the best way possible, and is therefore considered important and necessary.Multi-organizational emergency management exercises and evaluations are a demanding area. My research focuses on how such exercises can best be carried out and thus contribute to collaboration, enhanced learning, and usefulness in real-life situations.About my PhD project (finished 2022): Research highlights the importance of common operational picture (COP), situational awareness (SA) and crisis communication in emergency management. This project concerns how multi-agency emergency management can enhance the COP during crisis management and build a common situational understanding. An important part of this project will embrace the phenomenon of COP, and address the lack of references on concrete components/categories in different contexts. Also, it aims to describe how to get from a COP to common situational understanding.
Sist endret: 9.02.2024 12:02