Gå til hovedinnhold

Linda Gurvin Opheim

Associate Professor

J3045 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


2022: PhD in Mathematics Education, University of Agder: Mathematical Tasks from the Teachers’ Point of View

2011: MSc University of Agder: Mathematics Education

2005: University college of Vestfold: General teacher education

Work Experience:

2022-on: Assosciate Professor Uia

2022 - on: Consultant for high stake written exams in mathematics for The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training

2015- 2022: Assistant Professor UiA

2015: Project team member, DVM-U, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in education

2011-2015: PhD research fellow, University of Agder

2011-2012: Student adviser, mathematics, University of Agder

2006-2009: Teacher at Ringshaug ungodomsskole

2004-2006: Teacher at Byskogen skole

Faglige interesser

My research focus is mathematics teachers and a better understanding of their perspectives. I am also interested in how we can improve the teaching of teacher students' in mathematics to prepare them for teaching in schools.


2022 - on going:  Algebra project

2022 - on going: Consultant for high stake written exams in mathematics for Secondary schools

2017: Developing digital resources. Results are here: http://www.matematikk.org/trinn5-7/puslerier/

2014: TIM - Tiltak i matematikkundervisningen

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Knutsen, Kristoffer Heggelund; Brodahl, Cornelia (2023). Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-efficacy as Future Mathematics Teachers in a Second Language Classroom. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. ISSN: 1029-5968. 27 (2). doi:10.26522/jiste.v27i2.4427.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2015). Teachers’ initiating change in practice due to variation of progression of didactical time.. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-80-7290-844-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. TWG19 MATHEMATICS TEACHER AND CLASSROOM PRACTICES. s 3086 - 3092.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Man-made Difficulties in Mathematics. Special Needs Education in Mathematics New Trends, Problems and Possibilities. ISBN: 978 82 92712 98 6. Portal forlag. Kapittel 6. s 75 - 85.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Simensen, Anita Movik (2018). Læreren som matematikkstudent. ISBN: 9788202579012. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 88.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2023). Developing algebra learning teaching activities in cooperation with teachers in middle school.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Knutsen, Kristoffer Heggelund; Brodahl, Cornelia (2023). Multilingual Teacher Students’ Self-efficacy as Future Mathematics Teachers in a Second Language Classroom.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Summativ skriftlig vurdering i matematikk med fokus på lavtpresterende elever.
  • Larson, Niclas; Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Ny doktor drøfter resept for skriftlig eksamen.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Mathematics at secondary schools in Norway and teacher education at UiA.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Assessments in high school.


Sist endret: 23.02.2024 09:02