2022: PhD in Mathematics Education, University of Agder: Mathematical Tasks from the Teachers’ Point of View
2011: MSc University of Agder: Mathematics Education
2005: University college of Vestfold: General teacher education
Work Experience:
2022-on: Assosciate Professor Uia
2022 - on: Consultant for high stake written exams in mathematics for The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
2015- 2022: Assistant Professor UiA
2015: Project team member, DVM-U, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in education
2011-2015: PhD research fellow, University of Agder
2011-2012: Student adviser, mathematics, University of Agder
2006-2009: Teacher at Ringshaug ungodomsskole
2004-2006: Teacher at Byskogen skole
My research focus is mathematics teachers and a better understanding of their perspectives. I am also interested in how we can improve the teaching of teacher students' in mathematics to prepare them for teaching in schools.
2022 - on going: Algebra project
2022 - on going: Consultant for high stake written exams in mathematics for Secondary schools
2017: Developing digital resources. Results are here:
2014: TIM - Tiltak i matematikkundervisningen
Sist endret: 23.02.2024 09:02