Registered Nurse from the University of Agder, specializing in Intensive Care Nursing. Marianne has work experience in specialised health services from pediatric and intensive care units, and has worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Agder since 2016. She started in 2021 as a doctoral candidate in the research project "Fathers and Pediatric Palliative Care."
Intensive Care Nursing
Pediatric Palliative Care
Family Centred Care/Nursing
Communication/General Outreach
First Aid, CPR, and Advanced Heart Life Support (AHLR)
Sjuls, Marianne; Johannessen, Berit (2015). Foreldres opplevelser i intensivavdelingen. Sykepleien Forskning. ISSN: 1890-2936. (3). s 248 - 255. doi:10.4220/Sykepleienf.2015.55027.
Sjuls, M., Ludvigsen, M. S., Robstad, N., & Fegran, L.. (2023). Fathers' experiences of living with a child with a progressive life‐limiting condition without curative treatment options: A qualitative systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Sist endret: 7.01.2024 21:01