Gå til hovedinnhold

Mette Marie Næser Seldal

Assistant Professor

Student Program Leader for Shift

9I260A ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Graduated with a master's in International Management and Strategy, form The School of Business and Law, University of Agder in 2016.

Has previously worked in the culture and tourism industry.


Part of Research Group Economic and Financial Behaviour


ORG469 Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Concept Development

Faglige interesser

Consumer behavior & behavioral economics


Part of Consumer Finance Research Center 


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Seldal, Mette Marie Næser; Nyhus, Ellen K. (2019). Characteristics of first adopters of new payment technologies and their financial behavior.

Sist endret: 7.03.2023 14:03