Magnus Aagaard Skeie is a PhD candidate at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder, supported by the "Public sector PhD"-scheme of the Norwegian Research Council. He is employed at the Norwegian Coastal Administration. He holds a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Oslo (2017) and a Bachelor's degree in Theology and Leadership from the Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology (2015).
Magnus has recently participated in Researchers' Grand Prix, awarded a shared 2nd place. He has also participated in The National Science Week in Norway on behalf of the School of Business and Law.
The topic of Magnus' research is valuation of environmental goods. In his PhD project he specifically investigates psychological effects in the response process of contingent valuation studies by means of experimental designs in large online valuation surveys. This is important because small changes in central elements of a survey may severly affect the main result of such surveys, namely the population's mean willingness to pay for certain environmental measures. These values are subsequently used in public management, specifically in cost-benefit analyses of projects with environmental implications.
Skeie, Magnus Aa.; Lindhjem, Henrik; Skjeflo, Sofie; Navrud, Ståle (2019). Smartphone and tablet effects in contingent valuation web surveys – No reason to worry? Ecological Economics, Volume 165, 2019, 106390, ISSN 0921-8009,
Sist endret: 8.03.2023 10:03