Gå til hovedinnhold

Monica Strømland

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

C5022 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Assistant Professor Department of Psychosocial Health (2020-)

Project Manager, Child Welfare Education, Department of sociology and social work (2020)

PhD Research Fellow Department of Psychosocial Health (2017-2020)

Researcher at Sørlandet Hospital (2016-2019)

Master of Political Science (2015)




Philosophy of Social Justice - John Rawls and Martha C. Nussbaum

Children`s Rights

Human Rights

Child Welfare Services

Recovery as a methodological approach to improve mental health challenges 


Children`s Rights 

Human Rights 

Social Sciences 


The Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect Children worthy lives.

The aim of my research is to critically explore the perception of the Capability Theory developed by Martha Nussbaum. In what way(s) can the theory fill the gap between children’s rights and children’s lives. The research will be done in a Norwegian context, concerning exposed children and youth.


Allmenn formidling

Lørdagsuniversitetet: "Experiences with Bullying. How can we use painful experiences with bullying to do a better job and ensure all children and young people the right to education in a safe and good school environment?" (2018)

Interview: Children`s Rights - how are we doing? (2019)

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Strømland, Monica; Bahus, Marianne; Andersen, Anders Johan Wickstrøm (2023). “What’s the Purpose of Having a Say If I Cannot Participate?” A Qualitative Study of Young People’s Experiences of Being Heard and to Participate in Decision-Making Processes in Norwegian Child Welfare Services. The International Journal of Children's Rights. ISSN: 0927-5568. 31 (3). s 729 - 755. doi:10.1163/15718182-31030007.
  • Strømland, Monica; Bahus, Marianne; Andersen, Anders Johan W. (2022). Too Vulnerable to Participate? A Systematic Literature Review of the Gap between a Right to Participate and Participation, in Welfare Services. Journal of Human Rights Practice. ISSN: 1757-9619. 14 (1). s 331 - 351. doi:10.1093/jhuman/huab061.
  • Larsen, Inger Beate; Friesinger, Jan Georg; Strømland, Monica; Topor, Alain Pierre (2021). You realise you are better when you want to live, want to go out, want to see people: Recovery as assemblage. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. ISSN: 0020-7640. s 1 - 8. doi:10.1177/00207640211019452.
  • Strømland, Monica; Andersen, Anders Johan W.; Johansen, Venke Frederike; Bahus, Marianne (2019). In Your Best Interest. A Discussion of How Capability Approach Could be Used as a Guideline to Strengthen and Supplement the Principle of the Child’s Best Interests.. The International Journal of Children's Rights. ISSN: 0927-5568. 27 (3). s 517 - 544. doi:10.1163/15718182-02703009.
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Barnets beste i lys av etisk teori.
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Barns rettigheter - gjør vi nok?.
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Har alle barn i Norge samme muligheter? Om barnekonvensjonen og barns rettigheter..

Sist endret: 13.04.2022 13:04