Nastasja Robstad is an Associate Professor at the Department of Health and Nursing Sciences. She graduated as a nurse from the University of Agder in 2006, and has a master's degree in Critical care nursing from the University of Agder in 2015. She also has a PhD in health sciences with a focus on healthcare professionals' attitudes towards obese intensive care patients from the University of Agder in 2020.
Nastasja has mainly clinical experience as a nurse from emergency departments and as an intensive care nurse in the intensive care unit at Sørlandet Hospital in Kristiansand.
Professional interests:
Project leader for: "INCLUSIVE - Inclusive internationalisation and more options for nursing students in the Nordic countries" (2022-2025).
"Intensive care nurses attitudes towards obese intensive care patients". (Phd-project 2016-2020).
Sist endret: 31.03.2023 10:03