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Nils Hallvard Korsvoll

Associate Professor

Photo: Anne Lise Norheim - AYF

E2013B ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

I have worked mainly with magic and ritual practice in late antiquity, but hope to proceed on how scholars use and deal with ancient artefacts with and without a known provenance. I also examine diversity and representation in religious education. I teach quite broadly within religious studies, with an emphasis on philology and history of religion, and also in teachers education.


My research deals with history of religion, theoretical development, religious practices, ritual, popular religion, magic and material culture.


In religious studies I teach holy scripture, reception and theoretical perspective, as well as religion and society. In teachers education I teach in religious education for teachers, in topics like Christianity, world religions, religion and society, religious studies and secular worldviews.


01/2019 –                Associate Professor, Religious Studies, University of Agder (Norway)

08/2018 – 12/2018   Associate Professor, Religious Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU (Norway)

09/2017 – 07/2018   Assistant Professor, Religious Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU (Norway)

09/2012 – 08/2017   Research Fellow, Religious Studies, MF Norwegian School of Theology (Norway)

10/2011 – 03/2012   Research Fellow, Institute for Pre- and Early History and Near Eastern Archaeology, Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg (Germany) Collaborative Research Centre 933 “Material Text Cultures”        

Faglige interesser

Member of the networks:

The Young Academy of Norway

Claimed Pasts (UiA)

Holy scripture and authoritative texts (UiA)

NTNU RE Research Group (NTNU)

The Nordic Network for the Study of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the First Millennium (Nordic PhD-network)

Dembra LU (Norwegian network for working with democracy and against racism and discrimination in education)


Jødedom i KRLE etter fagfornyelsen: Holocaust-religion og proto-kristendom, eller religiøst mangfold og levende tradisjon? med Morten Beckmann og Martin Smith-Gahrsen, UiA (2020- )

Healing, belief and placebo: Medical and religious plurality in late antiquity, with Ágnes T. Mihálykó (UiO/University of Vienna) (2018- )

Allmenn formidling

Regular contributor: Ukens spørsmål, Morgenbladet

20.07.2018    "Seeing the forest but missing the trees.” Marginalia Review of Books 

12.01.2018    “Doktoren svarer: Magiske skåler på Menighetsfakultetet.” Morgenbladet (2): 21.

04.08.2017    “Forlik og ulovlege oldtidssaker.” Dag og Tid

05/2016         “Ikonoklasme – kamp om historia.” Syn og Segn 122(2): 48-56. 

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). The Study of Syriac Magic Bowls: An Avenue to Popular Religion?. La religion populaire des chrétiens de tradition syriaque. ISBN: 9782705341312. Paul Geuthner. Antologiartikkel. s 349 - 377.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2023). Disciplinary Pitfalls: How Good Philology Can Mask Bad Provenance. Variant Scholarship: Ancient Texts in Modern Contexts. ISBN: 9789464270464. Sidestone Press. Artikkel. s 23 - 39.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2023). Jødedomsundervisning i fagfornyelsen: Minoritetsreligioner i dybdelæringens æra. Prismet. ISSN: 0032-8847. 74 (1-2). s 93 - 118.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2022). Agency and Efficacy in Syriac Amulets Across the Ages. Textual Amulets from Antiquity to Early Modern Times: The Shape of Words. ISBN: 978-1-3502-5453-4. Bloomsbury Academic. 4. s 56 - 68.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2022). En salig røre: Fromhet, forskning og finans i ulovlig handel med religiøse oldsaker. Chaos - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier. ISSN: 0108-4453. 77 (1). s 127 - 157.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). A double bypass? Tracing how the aims of religious education are negotiated across different dimensions of the curriculum in Norway. Religion & Education. ISSN: 1550-7394. 48 (3). s 347 - 363. doi:10.1080/15507394.2021.1876496.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). Introduction: Using Placebo Research to Explore Belief and Healing in Late Antiquity. Trends in Classics. ISSN: 1866-7473. 13 (1). s 1 - 20. doi:10.1515/tc-2021-0001.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). Liturgy in Ancient Amulets – A Part of the Conversation. Studia Patristica. Vol. CXXV. Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019. Volume 22: Liturgica, Tractatus symboli Orientalia Critica et Philologica. ISBN: 978-90-429-4778-8. Peeters Publishers. Konferanseartikkel. s 15 - 29.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). Scripture – What is it Good for? Biblical Quotations and References in Ancient Amulets. Magic in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean: Cognitive, Historical, and Material Perspectives on the Bible and Its Contexts. ISBN: 978-3-666-52218-5. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Artikkel. s 239 - 256.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). Traces of a Storied Universe: Biblical Figures and Motifs in Late-Antique Syriac Amulets. Studies in the Syriac Magical Traditions. ISBN: 978-90-04-46719-4. Brill Academic Publishers. 6. s 141 - 168.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2020). Kvifor KRLE? Forhandling og forståing av føremåla for det norske religions- og livssynsfaget i læreplan og lærebøker. Nordidactica. ISSN: 2000-9879. 10 (2). s 26 - 47.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2021). Lækjande omstende: Kan placebo-forsking forklare læking i tidleg-moderne, syriske lokalsamfunn?. Chaos - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier. ISSN: 0108-4453. 73 (1). s 33 - 56.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2020). The (Continued) Online Trade of Aramaic Magic Bowls from Iraq. Journal of Art Crime (JAC). ISSN: 1947-5934. 23 (Spring). s 17 - 31.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2019). Jesus i antikk magi – your own, personal Jesus?. Chaos - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier. ISSN: 0108-4453. 71s 119 - 136.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2019). Jesus of Nazareth Revisited: Markham J. Geller’s Apotropaic Jesus Forty Years Later. Journal of the Jesus Movement in Its Jewish Setting (JJMJS). ISSN: 2374-7862. (6). s 88 - 109.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2018). Bible Bible everywhere? Reviewing the distribution of biblical quotes in ancient amulets. Biblische Notizen Neue Folge. ISSN: 0178-2967. (176). s 89 - 110.
  • Korsvoll, Nils H. (2018). Official Teaching and Popular Practice: Are Church Opinions on Magic Reflected in the Surviving Amulets from the Early Middle Ages?. Bild und Schrift auf 'magischen' Artefakten. ISBN: 978-3-11-060162-6. De Gruyter Open. Artikkel. s 149 - 163.
  • Sanzo, Joseph E.; Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2017). A New Testament Text on a Syriac Incantation Bowl: Eph. 6:10-17 on IBC 3. Vigiliae christianae (Print). ISSN: 0042-6032. 71 (4). s 417 - 432. doi:10.1163/15700720-12341310.
  • Korsvoll, Nils H. (2017). Same, Same, But Different? A Cognitive Analysis of an Early Christian Apotropaic Amulet. Journal of Cognitive Historiography. ISSN: 2051-9672. 4 (1). s 79 - 99. doi:10.1558/jch.29772.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard; Lied, Liv Ingeborg; Lund, Jerome Alan (2016). British Library Additional 14,686: Introduction, List of Readings, and Translations of Colophon and Notes. Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies. ISSN: 1937-318X. 19 (2). s 385 - 402. doi:10.31826/9781463240028-010.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2014). The Thing in the Practice : Ritual Artefacts as Material Anchors in Conceptual Blends. Praxeologie : Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Reichweite praxistheoretischer Ansätze in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. ISBN: 978-3-11-037014-0. Walter de Gruyter. Kapittel. s 199 - 218.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2012). Nattverd utan innstiftingsorda?. Teologisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 1893-0263. 1 (3). s 249 - 267.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). Recentring the Artefact: Provenance and Modern Ownership History in the Study of Aramaic Magic Bowls.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). Om magiske skåler frå Irak og ulovleg handel med oldsaker.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). Mangfald i religionshistoria: Manglande samanfall mellom skule- og forskingsfaget.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). Demokrati på tilbaketog - hva kan skolen gjøre?.
  • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard (2024). From archaeology to cultural history: A Survey of the Modern Study of Magic Bowls from Iraq.

Sist endret: 21.03.2023 09:03