Gå til hovedinnhold

Oddgeir Tveiten


Professor, media studies

H2009 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
By appointment

Professor in media studies, UiA

Professor of journalism and media studies (20%), NLA University College

Faglige interesser

Political communication

Globalization studies

Technology and society

Technology and learning


Ongoing research projects:

  • Media rich learning in practice (Future Learning Lab)
  • Communication, globalization and development (NORHED)
  • Global Journalism

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Gebremeskel, Solomon Kebede; Tveiten, Oddgeir (2023). Ethnicity as journalism paradigm: Polarization and political parallelism of Ethiopian news in transition. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies. ISSN: 1986-3497. 13 (3). doi:10.30935/ojcmt/13333.
  • Ur Rehman, Ubaid; Lazareva, Aleksandra; Tveiten, Oddgeir (2018). Do Web-Based Pedagogical Tools Promote Self-Regulated Learning in University Students? A Case Study of Learning Management System in Pakistan. 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Chapter. s 6692 - 6700.
  • Aagaard, Toril; Breivik, June; Erikson, Inger Carin; Hjukse, Hjørdis; Swanberg, Anne Berit; Steen-Utheim, Anna Therese; Tveiten, Oddgeir (2018). Teknologi og nye undervisningspraksiser: Videofortellinger som redskap for pedagogisk refleksjon. UNIPED. ISSN: 1500-4538. 41 (2). s 133 - 146.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2017). Contact Education – A Theory Framework. Smart Universities: Education´s Digital Future. ISBN: 978-3-8325-4595-6. Logos Verlag Berlin. Kapittel. s 85 - 97.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2017). MOOCING Journalism Education. Smart Universities: Education´s Digital Future. ISBN: 978-3-8325-4595-6. Logos Verlag Berlin. Kapittel. s 119 - 127.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2010). Theorizing Innovation Journalism Notes From the Classroom. Innovation Journalism. ISSN: 1549-9049. 7(10)s 24.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2008). Contact education, old and new media: Reflections on a peace-building initiative in Norway. Conflict & Communication Online. ISSN: 1618-0747. 7 (2). s 13.
  • Lysgård, Hans Kjetil; Tveiten, Oddgeir (2005). Cultural economy at work in the city of Kristiansand: cultural policy as incentive for urban innovation. AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence. ISSN: 0951-5666. 19 (4). s 485 - 499.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2005). Hundre års enslighet". Metaforenes Tyranni: Samtids og framtidsbilder av Norge i 2005. Høyskoleforlaget. faglig_bok_forlag.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir; Nohrstedt, Stig Arne (2002). Discourse, rhetoric and propaganda: Conflict Journalism from a Multimethodological Perspective. Sweden. Nordicom. s 15.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2002). TV Wars, the audience and the public. Journalism in the New World Order II - Studying War and the Media. Nordicom. s 16.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2001). A Hard Reign's a Gonna Fall. Journalism in the New World Order I. Nordicom. s 15.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (1999). Politikk, makt og media: Bosniske flyktninger i nordisk mediedebatt. Midlertidig beskyttelse og tilbakevending: Bosniske flyktninger i Norden. Nordisk ministerråd. faglig_bok_institusjon.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2017). Smart Universities: Education´s Digital Future. ISBN: 978-3-8325-4595-6. Logos Verlag Berlin. s 163.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2009). Storyland Journalistikk, makt og meningsdannelse. ISBN: 9788271473150. IJ-forlaget. s 287.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2006). Nødvendige nyheter : perspektiv på journalistikkens globalisering. ISBN: 8271472534. IJ-forlaget.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2016). World Learning Summit 2016.
  • Tveiten, Oddgeir (2015). www.futurelearninglab.org.

Sist endret: 24.02.2023 22:02