Academic Interests:
Programming and specification languages, Language-based Security, Privacy, GDPR,
Formal methods, in particular oriented toward object-orientation and open, distributed systems.
Verification and reasoning systems.
Specification and modeling of concurrent systems, as well as
related simulation, modeling, analysis and reasoning tools.
Professor at UiO from 1993 (and assoc. prof. before that)
Executive senior advicer at Prosa Security (part time) from Feb. 2021.
Research Associate, Stanford University 1981-1983.
Assistant professor, University of California San Diego (UCSD) 1983-1987.
Sabbatical at UCSC, California, 2014/2015.
Sabbatical at Stanford Research Inst. (SRI), California, and Oxford University 1994/1995.
Professor II at UiA from August 2020
Sist endret: 26.08.2021 09:08