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Ole Botnen Eide

Assistant Professor

Assistant professor

9I161 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Ole Botnen Eide works as assistant professor at the School of business and law, teaching subjects within private law such as contract law and property law. Eide has previous work experience from both commercial and pro bono legal advice, as well as criminal law,competition law and public law. In addition to a master’s degree in law, Eide holds a bachelor degree in social anthropology and economics.  


Contract law

Family law

Inheritance law

Property law


2018->      Associate prodessor University of Agder

2017-2018 Part time associate professor University of Agder

2016-2018 legal adviser Gatejuristen Kristiansand (Head of Gatejuristen Kristiansand 2016 and 2018)  

2014-2016 Police attorney Agder police department

2012-2014 Legal adviser Norwegian telecommunications authority

2011-2012 Associate lawyer, Advokatfirma Høgseth 

Faglige interesser

Private international law

Law and economics 

Competition law

Criminal law

Allmenn formidling

Volunteer legal adviser for Gatejuristen Kristiansand



Sist endret: 10.10.2023 10:10