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Reidun Ims

Associate Professor

Eg har kontor i H-bygget, og kan treffast der. Arbeidsdagane inneheld både undervisning og forsking, og eg kan derfor nåst på mobil og e-post om eg ikkje er å finne på kontoret.


Work and integration

Faglige interesser

Child protection, ethics, phenomenology, integration, dialogism, bildung.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Ims, Reidun (2024). The association between work and integration in the Norwegian welfare context, and its implications for immigrants and social work practice: An integrative review. Nordic Social Work Research. ISSN: 2156-857X. 14 (2). s 253 - 268. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2023.2165534.
  • Ims, Reidun (2021). Immigrants’ experiences of the importance and value of work in Norway: Implications for social work. Social Work & Society. ISSN: 1613-8953. 19 (2).
  • Ims, Reidun; Lorås, Lennart; Ness, Ottar; Finlay, Linda (2021). Immigrants’ experiences on integration while attempting to access the labour market: Implications for social work practice. Social Sciences. ISSN: 2076-0760. 10 (4). doi:10.3390/socsci10040121.

Sist endret: 14.05.2023 21:05