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E1060 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

I am professor of Nordic literature with a research focus on ecocriticism and interdisciplinary environmental humanities. Together with Sissel Furuseth, I have written Økokritisk håndbok (2023), the first Norwegian-language introduction to ecocriticism. Together with Anna-Karin Jonasson and Peter Degerman, I have edited the volume Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment. Ecocritical Approaches to Northern European Literatures and Cultures (2018), and together with Emily Lethbridge and Michael Schulte the volume Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies. Nature and the Environment in Old Norse Literature and Culture (2023). My research and other publications focus on how literary texts address environmental change, the Anthropocene, education for sustainable development, children's and young adult literature, contemporary literature from Northern Europe, and Old Norse literature and culture. I am co-founder and coordinator of the Ecocritical Network for Scandinavian Studies (ENSCAN), and president of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (EASLCE). I am also a member of the steering committee of Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) and of the Advisory Board of Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment and of the book series Nature, Culture and Literature (Brill) and Ecocriticism Unbound (DeGruyter).


Since March 2021: Professor of Nordic literature at the Department of Nordic and Media Studies, University of Agder, Norway

2018-2021: Associate Professor of Nordic literature at the Department of Nordic and Media Studies, University of Agder, Norway

2017: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo, Norway

2014-16: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Humanities, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden

2014: PhD in Scandinavian Studies; University of Bonn, Germany

2013: Research stay at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, Norway

2012: Research stay at EDDA - Center of Excellence, University of Iceland, Reykjavík

2009-2011: Lecturer at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Münster, Germany

2008-2012: Research assistant at the Department for Scandinavian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany

2008: M.A. in Scandinavian Studies, medieval and modern history; University of Bonn, Germany

2003-2008: Studies in Scandinavian Studies, medieval and modern history; University of Freiburg, Germany; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; University of Bonn, Germany

Faglige interesser

Scandinavian studies

Contemporary literature from Northern Europe

Old Norse literature and culture

Children's and young adult literature

Ecocriticism and environmental humanities

Environmental change in history and literature

The Anthropocene

Education for sustainable development

Allmenn formidling

March 2024: Video presentasjon on Growth of the Soil and sustainability as a part of the Hamsun Centre's exhibition "The controversial Hamsun".

15.12.2023: "Saga­forfattarane skreiv om miljø­problem allereie for 800 år sidan". Article on forskning.no

15.11.2021: Interview: Om klima, miljø og bærekraft i nordisk skjønnlitteratur.

23.03.2020 Op-ed in the newspaper Fædrelandsvennen: "Det kan være trøst i katastrofelitteraturen"

29.05.2019 Op-ed in the newspaper Fædrelandsvennen: "Skolens læreplan overser elevenes miljøengasjement" 

31.10. 2018 Press release (University of Agder) about my research on Nordic climate change fiction

03.12.2016 Article in Sundsvalls Tidning about the workshop Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment

07.07.2016 PodCast HumPod (Gothenburg University) about climate change as a literary motif

11.02.2015 Interview in Sveriges Radio P4 Västernorrland about the project Inscribing Environmental Memory in the Icelandic Sagas

26.11.2014 Press release from University of Bonn about my book Umwelt-engagierte Literatur aus Island und Norwegen

11.10.2012 Interview on Bonn Sustainability Portal about my PhD project

04.06.2012 Article in Frankenpost about my research stay in Iceland

10.10.2011 Interview in Domradio Köln about my book Sagas aus Island

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Bærekraftig utvikling i skogen? Økokritiske lesninger av bøkene om mormor og de åtte ungene. Anne-Cath. Vestly. Nye lesninger av forfatterskapet. ISBN: 9788202784348. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 8. s 140 - 159.
  • Hennig, Reinhard; Lethbridge, Emily; Schulte, Michael (2023). Combining Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies: Opportunities and Challenges. Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies. Nature and the Environment in Old Norse Literature and Culture. ISBN: 978-2-503-60484-8. Brepols. chapter 1. s 11 - 36.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2023). Imagining a Viking Age Risk Society. Threats, Risks, and Manufactured Uncertainties in the Sagas of Icelanders. Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies. Nature and the Environment in Old Norse Literature and Culture. ISBN: 978-2-503-60484-8. Brepols. chapter 6. s 137 - 163.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2021). Anthropocene Aesthetics: Norwegian Literature in a New Geological Epoch. NORDEUROPAforum. ISSN: 1863-639X. s 105 - 130. doi:10.18452/23921.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2021). Fra frykt til fremtidstro: Klimaendringer i nordiske bildebøker. På tværs af Norden. Økokritiske strømninger i nordisk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. ISBN: 9789289367424. Nordisk ministerråd. kapittel III.1. s 52 - 57.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2021). Miljø og medborgerskap i Arne Svingens barnebok En himmel full av skyer. Norsklæreren. ISSN: 0332-7264. (1). s 40 - 55.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2021). Miljøhumaniora, økokritikk og utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling i norskfaget. Fortellinger om bærekraftig utvikling. Perspektiver for norskfaget. ISBN: 978-82-15-05008-9. Universitetsforlaget. kapittel 1. s 13 - 38.
  • Furuseth, Sissel; Gjelsvik, Anne; Gürata, Ahmet; Hennig, Reinhard; Leyda, Julia; Ritson, Katie (2020). Climate Change in Literature, Television and Film from Norway. Ecozona. ISSN: 2171-9594. 11 (2). s 8 - 16. doi:10.37536/ECOZONA.2020.11.2.3468.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2020). No Future, No Past? How Consciousness of the Anthropocene Changes Environmentalist Narratives. Vill jag vistas här bör jag byta blick. Texter om litteratur, miljö och historia tillägnade Pia Maria Ahlbäck. ISBN: 978-952-12-3984-7. Föreningen Granskaren. kapittel 2. s 43 - 63.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2020). Sagas for Sustainability? Commons, Conflict and Cooperation in the Sagas of Icelanders. Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies. ISSN: 2595-9107. (3). s 36 - 63.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2019). Aesthetic Appreciation of Landscape in the Sagas of Icelanders. Landscape and Myth in North-Western Europe. ISBN: 978-2-503-58040-1. Brepols. kapittel 2. s 45 - 61.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2019). An Arctic Archive for the Anthropocene: The Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Arctic Archives: Ice, Memory and Entropy. ISBN: 978-3837646566. Transcript Verlag. chapter 11. s 197 - 217.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2019). Jostein Gaarder's The World According to Anna (2013/2015) - Didactic Cli-Fi. Cli-Fi. A Companion. ISBN: 978-1-78874-072-2. Peter Lang Publishing Group. kapittel 2 i del V. s 181 - 186.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2019). Memory of Environmental and Climatic Change in the Sagas of Icelanders. Scandinavian Studies. ISSN: 0036-5637. 91 (3). s 323 - 344. doi:10.5406/scanstud.91.3.0323.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2019). Å trosse naturen i seg selv. Kjønn og kjønnsroller i Maja Lundes roman Bienes historie. Norsk Litterær Årbok. ISSN: 0078-1266. s 272 - 290.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2018). Environmental Concern as (Counter)Cultural Criticism in the Novels of Jón Kalman Stefánsson. Counter | Culture. Literature, Language, Agency. ISBN: 978-3-8260-5815-8. Verlag Königshausen & Neumann. kapittel 9. s 171 - 186.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2018). Environmental Humanities. Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches. ISBN: 978-3-11-043136-0. Walter de Gruyter. I: 24. s 327 - 332.
  • Hennig, Reinhard; Jonasson, Anna-Karin; Degerman, Peter (2018). Introduction: Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment. Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment. Ecocritical Approaches to Northern European Literatures and Cultures. ISBN: 978-1-4985-6190-7. Lexington Books. forord. s 1 - 18.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2018). Knowing the Right Thing, but Not Doing It. Knut Hamsun’s Markens grøde in the Anthropocene. NORDEUROPAforum. ISSN: 1863-639X. s 16 - 43. doi:10.18452/19210.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2017). Climate Change Denial in Literary Fiction: Gert Nygårdshaug’s ‘Eco-Thriller’ Chimera. REAL: Yearbook of research in English and American literature. ISSN: 0723-0338. 33s 191 - 215.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2017). Miljö och minne: att skapa ett långtidsperspektiv på hållbarhetsfrågor. Hållbarhetens många ansikten: Samtal, forskning och fantasier. ISBN: 978-91-88527-37-0. Mittuniversitetet. kapittel 14. s 117 - 125.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2015). Aus der Vergangenheit lernen? Die Bedeutung der mittelalterlichen isländischen Literatur für die Umweltdiskussion der Gegenwart. Culturescapes Island: Zwischen Sagas und Pop. ISBN: 978-3-85616-676-2. Christoph Merian Verlag. kapittel 4. s 45 - 52.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2015). Environmental Scarcity and Abundance in Medieval Icelandic Literature. RCC Perspectives. ISSN: 2190-5088. (2). s 37 - 43. doi:10.5282/rcc/7145.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2014). Postcolonial Ecology: an Ecocritical Reading of Andri Snær Magnason’s Dreamland. A Self-Help Manual for a Frightened Nation. The Postcolonial North Atlantic. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. ISBN: 978-3-932406-35-5. Freie Universität Berlin. kapittel 6. s 105 - 126.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2013). 'It Is Immoral to Be a Pessimist.' Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Norwegian Literary Fiction. Tvergastein. ISSN: 1893-5605. 3s 44 - 50.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2013). Ecocritical Realism: Nature, Culture, and Reality in Icelandic Environmental Literature. Realisms in Contemporary Culture. Theories, Politics, and Medial Configurations. ISBN: 978-3-11-031291-1. Walter de Gruyter. kapittel 7. s 109 - 123.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2013). Framtíðin er nú. Um skáldsögu Anna eftir Jostein Gaarder. Spássían. ISSN: 1670-8709. 12s 32 - 35.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2012). Að skipta um skoðun. Jarðnæði Oddnýjar Eirar Ævarsdóttur í samhengi umhverfisverndarbókmennta. Spássían. ISSN: 1670-8709. 10s 35 - 40.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2012). Das Lachen der Könige in den altnordischen 'Konunga sögur'. Valenzen des Lachens ins der Vormoderne 1250-1750. ISBN: 978-3-86309-098-2. Bamberg University Press. kapittel 17. s 385 - 411.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2012). Traumland unter Wasser: Umweltschutz auf Isländisch. Norrøna : Zeitschrift für Kultur, Geschichte und Politik der Skandinavischen Länder. ISSN: 0932-2787. 45s 50 - 61.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2011). A Saga for Dinner: Landscape and Nationality in Icelandic Literature. Ecozona. ISSN: 2171-9594. 2s 61 - 72. doi:10.37536/ecozona.2011.2.1.391.
  • Hennig, Reinhard; Lethbridge, Emily; Schulte, Michael (2023). Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies. Nature and the Environment in Old Norse Literature and Culture. ISBN: 978-2-503-60484-8. Brepols. s 312.
  • Furuseth, Sissel; Hennig, Reinhard (2023). Økokritisk håndbok. Natur og miljø i litteraturen. ISBN: 9788215049915. Universitetsforlaget. s 224.
  • Hennig, Reinhard; Jonasson, Anna-Karin; Degerman, Peter (2018). Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment. Ecocritical Approaches to Northern European Literatures and Cultures. ISBN: 978-1-4985-6190-7. Lexington Books. s 258.
  • Hennig, Reinhard; Simek, Rudolf (2011). Sagas aus Island: Von Wikingern, Berserkern und Trollen. ISBN: 978-3150107997. Reclam Verlag. s 595.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2014). Umwelt-engagierte Literatur aus Island und Norwegen. Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zu den Environmental Humanities. ISBN: 978-3-631-65565-8. Peter Lang Publishing Group. s 399.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Altnordische Literatur und das Anthropozän.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Marine Petroculture: Offshore Drilling in Norwegian Children's Literature.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). The Norwegian Donald: Oil in Translated Comics.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltige Entwicklung in der altnordischen Literatur.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Forskerfokus: Klima, miljø og bærekraft i norrøn litteratur.
  • Skogheim, Cathrine; Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Reiser nesten 30 timer for å være med på åpningen.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2024). Markens grøde: Et budskap om bærekraft?.
  • Wehus, Walter Norman; Hennig, Reinhard (2023). Saga­forfattarane skreiv om miljø­problem allereie for 800 år sidan.
  • Hennig, Reinhard (2023). Deltakelse i panelsamtale om "Bærekraftskommunikasjon: hva fungerer best, og hvorfor er det vanskelig?".

Sist endret: 17.04.2024 10:04