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Robin André Rolfhamre


PhD, Prof. of Music Education, course administrative for the Master's programme in classical music performance, guitar and lute teacher

K2032 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
By appointment

Robin Rolfhamre (Professor of Music Education, MMus, PhD) is a lutenist, guitarist and researcher born in Sweden in April, 1986. Following his doctoral dissertation The popular lute: An investigation of the function and performance of music in France between 1650 and 1700 (UiA, 2014; supervisors: Prof. Per Kjetil Farstad and Prof. Michael Rauhut) he has continued to study Early Modern music (c. 1400–1700) from an inter-human and social perspective focusing particularly on self-expressive acts, communication (particularly through rhetoric and social psychology) and performance practice. His interdisciplinary ambition is particularly shown through his book Informed play: Approaching a biology and concept of tone production on Early Modern lute instruments (Norway: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, 2018).

Dr Rolfhamre has published articles in international, peer-reviewed academic journals and has produced several CD recordings as a performing artist. Between 2016–2018, he was appointed Editor in Chief for Norwegian Journal of Musicology Online (now renamed: Norwegian eJournal of Music Research), and between 2015–2018, he was Editorial Board Member of Studia Musicologica Norvegica. 

Dr Rolfhamre has received several scholarships and awards, including Agder Academy of Sciences and Letters’ Research Prize for Young Researchers, Vest-Agder County Council’s Artist Scholarship and The Norwegian Arts Council’s Artist Scholarship (Diversestipend). He is an elected member of the Agder Academy of Sciences and Letters.

He is involved in several projects and organisations, such as the REMP: Reconfiguring Early Modern Performance (Organiser), Early Modern and Modern Research GroupResearch Group for Song Lyrics, and the Arts in Context research platform. 

Dr Rolfhamre was previously appointed conductor and musical leader for the Norwegian Flute Ensemble and he has had concerts in multiple European countries with internationally acclaimed artists. He is also an active composer, mixing engineer and producer.

Dr Rolfhamre is a Pyramid Historical Strings Artist and he plays Lauri Niskanen instruments.

Full Academic CV and Full Publications List [click here]


My research is rooted in Music Pedagogy, Early Music Performance Studies and Organology, with a special interest in perspectives related to friction, negotiations and cause and effect relationships. I am particularly interested in rhetoric, performativity, philosophy and interdisciplinary work.


My main teaching activities involve musicology, lute instruments, classical guitar instruments and performance practice. I also supervise Master-theses and PhD-dissertations.

Info for my students


Course administrative:

  • Master's level:
    • All courses in the Master's Programme in Music Performance—Classical Music
  • PhD level:
    • Shared responsibility for KF602 Arts in Context

Academic responsible:

  • Musicology courses, Master's Degree in Music Performance — Western Classical Music
  • Shared responsibility for Faculty of Fine Arts' PhD programme's Arts in Context-specialisation


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Hauen, Mali; Rolfhamre, Robin (2024). “This is me”: Storytelling with students to reveal their mutual entanglements with the “kulturskole”. Journal of Embodied Research (JER). ISSN: 2513-8421. doi:https://doi.org/10.16995/jer.11511.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). Digitising historical crafts education. Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. Kap. 23. s 383 - 408.
  • Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). On the need for social inclusion: a few words from the editors. Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. 1. s 13 - 16.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2022). Edukacja muzyczna w Norwegii – digitalizacja, tradycja i etyka. Edukacja jako impuls do społecznej inkluzji. ISBN: 978-83-65727-68-8. Akademia Muzyczna im. I.  J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 23. s 385 - 412.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Angelo, Elin (2022). Introduction: Making History Through Music Performance and Education. Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. ISBN: 978-82-02-75619-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap 1.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2022). Performative Musicology and HIP as Rhetoric and Pedagogy for the Past in Present and Future. Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. ISBN: 978-82-02-75619-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap 2.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Nesmann-Aas, Inga Marie (2022). Rethinking Music Practise–Sessions beyond Poiesis and Praxis-Towards Practising Democracy. The European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education. ISSN: 2002-4665. 7 (1). s 63 - 114. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6536193.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Øvrebø, Daniel Henry (2022). Rhetorically Performative Early Music: YouTube Videos as Statements. Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. ISBN: 978-82-02-75619-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 8. s 199 - 221.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2021). Can We Buy Virtue? Implications from State University Funding On Musical Instrument Performance Teacher Mandate. Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research. ISBN: 9788202696979. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 4. s 95 - 112.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2021). E-learning in Conservatory Style Musical Instrument Performance Training: Thoughts on the Rhetoric of Sustainability, Technology and Higher Music Education. Music E-ducation in XXI- st century. New challenges and perspectives. ISBN: 978-83-65727-59-6. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 9. s 129 - 134.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2021). E-learning w nauce gry na instrumentach muzycznych w stylu konserwatoryjnym: przemyślenia na temat retoryki zrównoważonego rozwoju, technologii i wyższego szkolnictwa muzycznego. E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy. ISBN: 978-83-65727-62-6. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. Kap. 9. s 169 - 176.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2020). Through the Eyes of an Entangled Teacher: When Classical Musical Instrument Performance Tuition in Higher Education is Subject to Quality Assurance. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education (ACT). ISSN: 1545-4517. 19 (1). s 81 - 117. doi:10.22176/act19.1.81.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2019). Musikkforskning og -utøving i kontekst: tidligmusikken som sosial praksis. Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok. ISSN: 0809-7283. 2018s 97 - 105.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2018). ‘Caprice de chaconne’ (1671): Symmetry and proportions in Francesco Corbetta's work for Baroque guitar. Early Modern Culture Online (EMCO). ISSN: 1892-0888. 7doi:10.15845/emco.v4i1.1513.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2017). The language of Early Music performance: A proposition on how to connect words and instrumental music. The Musical Times. ISSN: 0027-4666. 158 (1938). s 81 - 92.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2016). Embellishing lute music: using the Renaissance Italian passaggi practice as a model and pedagogical tool for an increased improvisation vocabulary in the French Baroque style.. Dansk Musikforskning Online. ISSN: 1904-237X. s 219 - 238.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2017). Takketale for Agder Vitenskapsakademis forskningspris til yngre forskere. Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok. ISSN: 0809-7283. s 227 - 229.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2014). Dissecting transformation: towards a biology of recorded lute sound. Studia Musicologica Norvegica. ISSN: 0332-5024. 40s 43 - 62.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2013). Compact Disc(losure): Some Thoughts on the Synthesis of Recording Technology and Baroque Lute Music Research. Acta Musicologica. ISSN: 0001-6241. 85 (2). s 245 - 256.
  • Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). Education as an impulse for social inclusion. ISBN: 978-83-65727-79-4. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. s 496.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Angelo, Elin (2022). Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. ISBN: 978-82-02-75619-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 263.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2018). Informed Play: Approaching a Concept and Biology of Tone Production on Early Modern Lute Instruments. ISBN: 978-82-02-59044-4. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 227.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). Over Seas.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Jämtbäck, Tomas; Rosand, Ellen; Tarrodi, Andrea (2023). "Barbara Strozzi – sex, tårar och sångsamlingar" på P2 Musikhistoria (Sveriges Radio P2).
  • Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin; Adamowicz-Kaszuba, Teresa; Murawska, Ewa; Okupnik, Malgorzata; Pilasiewicz, Patryk; Klysz-Sokalska, Natalia; Rykowski, Mikolaj (2023). Scientific panel: Music matters!.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Schau, Jørn (2023). Introduction to effective academic project design.
  • Rolfhamre, Robin; Schau, Jørn (2023). Foundations of Tone production on Classical Guitar.
  • Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin (2023). Working with Flute ensembles.

Sist endret: 25.10.2023 20:10