TransNor: PhD project on mental health and sexual health among transgender people in Norway
Gender, health and citizenship (KHOM)
Trans Health and Citizenship: International comparisons
Coordinator for the sexology education program at the University of Agder.
Coordinator for SEX901 Gender diversity and sexual diversity
Bolstad, S.-H. (2019). ICD-11: Helse til alle kjønn. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. (ICD-11: Health for all genders.)
Bolstad, S.-H. (2018). Fra ICD-10 til ICD-11: Kliniske implikasjoner ved endring av diagnoser for kjønnsidentitet. Spesialistoppgave i klinisk voksenpsykologi. (Clinical implications of the revision of diagnoses related to gender identity.)
Bolstad, S.-H. (2012). Transpersoners forhold til ”å passere”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie. Hovedoppgave i psykologi, Universitetet i Tromsø. (Transgender people's thoughts and feelings about the concept of "passing". A qualitative interview study.)
Sist endret: 4.04.2024 14:04