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Svanhild Breive

Associate Professor

JU042 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )




Faglige interesser

Research on mathematics teaching and learning in Kindergarten


Agderprosjektet http://www.uis.no/forskning/skole-og-barnehage/agderprosjektet/

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Breive, Svanhild (2022). Abstraction and embodiment: exploring the process of grasping a general. Educational Studies in Mathematics. ISSN: 0013-1954. 110s 313 - 329. doi:10.1007/s10649-021-10137-x.
  • Breive, Svanhild; Goos, Merrilyn; Monaghan, John David (2022). Interpreting a kindergarten episode through three perspectives on agency. For the Learning of Mathematics. ISSN: 0228-0671. 42 (1). s 25 - 30.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2022). Lekende matematikk og matematisert lek. Lekende læring og lærende lek i begynneropplæringen. ISBN: 9788245033595. Fagbokforlaget. 6. s 121 - 145.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2022). Matematisk problemløsning, lek og kroppslig tenkning. Lekende læring og lærende lek i begynneropplæringen. ISBN: 9788245033595. Fagbokforlaget. 7. s 149 - 168.
  • Breive, Svanhild; Eik, Liv Torunn; Sanne, Line; Skalstad, Ingunn (2022). Rom for lek? Om å skape et fleksibelt fysisk miljø inne og ute på skolen. Lekende læring og lærende lek i begynneropplæringen. ISBN: 9788245033595. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 9. s 195 - 233.
  • Rege, Mari; Størksen, Ingunn; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Kalil, Ariel; Megan M., McClelland; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2021). The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool Effectiveness A Field Experiment. The Journal of human resources. ISSN: 0022-166X. 59 (2). s 576 - 603. doi:10.3368/jhr.0220-10749R3.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Breive, Svanhild (2021). The nature of mathematical inquiry amongst kindergarten children: more than questioning and verbalisations. Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021. ISBN: 9789198402438. SMDF, Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education. 2.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2020). Student–teacher dialectic in the co-creation of a zone of proximal development: an example from kindergarten mathematics. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. ISSN: 1350-293X. 28 (3). doi:10.1080/1350293X.2020.1755498.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2020). The Materialisation of Children’s Mathematical Thinking Through Organisation of Turn-Taking in Small Group Interactions in Kindergarten. Mathematics education in the early years : Results from the POEM4 conference, 2018. ISBN: 9783030347758. Springer Nature. Kapittel 17. s 281 - 299.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2019). Engaging children in mathematical discourse: a kindergarten teacher's multimodal participation. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 24 (2). s 49 - 67.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ orchestration of mathematical learning activities: the balance between freedom and structure. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-90-73346-75-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. TWG13: Early Years Mathematics. s 2241 - 2248.
  • Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2018). Designing playful inquiry-based mathematical learning activities for kindergarten. Mathematics education in the early years. Results from the POEM3 conference 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-78220-1. Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 10. s 181 - 205.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2017). Kindergarten children’s argumentation in reflection symmetry: The role of semiotic means. Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10). ISBN: 978-1-873769-73-7. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. TWG 13 Early Years Mathematics. s 1837 - 1844.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2024). Lekbasert læring - ressursbok for barnehage, skole og SFO. ISBN: 978-82-02-83376-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 223.
  • Breive, Svanhild; Eik, Liv Torunn; Sanne, Line (2022). Lekende læring og lærende lek i begynneropplæringen. ISBN: 9788245033595. Fagbokforlaget. s 235.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2020). Legebaseret læring: et forskningsbaseret førskoleoplæg. ISBN: 9788723541338. Akademisk Forlag, Danmark. s 232.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2019). Lekbaserat Lärande. ISBN: 9789178230594. Bonnierförlagen Lära. s 208.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2018). Lekbasert læring - et forskningsbasert førskoleopplegg fra Agderprosjektet. ISBN: 978-82-492-1963-6. GAN Aschehoug. s 231.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2016). Lekbasert læring i barnehagen - Et forskningsbasert førskoleopplegg fra Agderprosjektet. ISBN: 9788249218523. GAN Aschehoug. s 227.
  • Breive, Svanhild (2021). Kroppens rolle i matematikklæring.

Sist endret: 11.10.2023 11:10