2019- Present member of Akademiet for yngre forskere (AYF)
2018 - present Co-Director MatRIC
2017 -present Professor, University of Agder
2013 - 2015 Researcher and Co-leader of CoE BCSS team Q4
2012 - 2013 Researcher at the University of Bergen, Norway
2007 - 2008 Assistant professor at the Bergen University College, Norway
2004 – 2007 Teaching assistant in mathematics at the University of Bergen, Norway
2008-2012 Ph.D. studies in space physics at the University of Bergen, Norway Thesis: “Properties of Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes - Modelling and Analysis of BATSE and RHESSI data”.: University of Bergen 201 2 (ISBN 978-82-308-2060-5)
2002-2007 Master studies in space physics at the University of Bergen, Norway Thesis: “Terrestrial Gamma ray Flash - En Monte Carlo-simulering for å forstå deres fysiske egenskaper”
Pedagogical training
Basic course in pedagogical training, 2015 – 2016. A course containing 150 hours
Mathematics Teaching Course, University‐level Mathematics Teaching Course 2015‐2016 An induction course for mathematics teachers at higher education arranged by MatRIC/University of Agder in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Course workload 100 hours)
Fall 2017:
MA 154 Matematics 1
2017: Mathematical modeling in physics education using Tracker. 50 kNOK project funded by MatRIC.
2017: Analyse av lyn-data. This project will study lightning I Norway.
Sist endret: 20.10.2020 14:10