Nuring competence in municipal acute care
Implementering av patient trajectory in emergency department at hospital
Associated professor (førstelektor) 2014 – d.d.
Assistant professor in University of Agder (UIA) 2010 -2014
Professional coordinator for the Clinical laboratory and high-tech simulation center (60 % position), 2011-2015.
Professional development nurse in Emergency department Sørlandet hospital HF, Arendal, 2007–2010
Teacher, supervisor, Agder university college, 1999-2005
Nurse and critical care specialized nurse Sørlandet hospital Arendal /1992–1999, 2005–2010
Nurse and assistant charge nurse of a local hospital ward (sykestuer) in Alta, 1989–1992
Union elected leader, (full-time employed) of The Norwegian nursing student organization; Landslaget for Norges sykepleierstudenter (LNS) 1988/89
Other: Nurse assistant at Haraldsplass diakonisse hospital Bergen gerontological avdeling 1984, store employee 1981, summer job at a nursing home 1978-1988, expereince from farm work over many years and one season as crew on a purse seine fishing boat.
Nusing competense and servises
Leadesrship in healthcare
E- health: Use of information and communication technologies, telemedicine and welfare technology for quality in healthcare services
Nursing competence in the context of in-patient acute care in primary health services
M4ALMO, Agder region. «Modeller for alarmmottak» Regionale forskningsfond (RFF) supported (2015-2017).
United for health (U4H) Agder. Project for telemedicine follow-up after discharge for COPD exacerbation - an implementation project for Agder in collaboration with U4H (2013 - 2015).
E-learning "COPD online" project, Sørlandet hospital helsefortak (SSHF). Board member 2011-2012.
Implementing and evauating “Triage in Emergency department” Sørlandet hospital Arendal (SSA), 2008 and 2009).
Editor: « Medvirkning, Samhandling, Sikkerhet –IKT I helsetjenesten» (Participation, collaboration, security – ICT in health service) /2007.
Sist endret: 28.07.2023 07:07