Teaching in BA and MA programs including teacher education and in several topics e.g. sacred texts in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, history of early Christianity and topics within New Testament Studies
Research within the areas:Education and formation in antiquity, literate and moral formation (Bildung) in the New Testament, and authoritative texts and sacred texts
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Sacred Meal
In collaboration with the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, and the Faculty of Theology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: “Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship, and the Eucharist – Late Antiquity, Early Judaism and Early Christianity”. It is an international academic project on meals in Late Antiquity. The project includes 77 participants from different academic fields and various universities in the USA, Europe and Australia. The first conference was held in Kiel in August 2012, and the second is planned in Lesbos in September 2013.
The Courant Research Centre EDRIS, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Education and Religion From Early Imperial Roman Times To the Classical Period of Islam (EDRIS) (www.uni-goettingen.de/de/109214.html). I am a member of the Scientific Advisory Board.
An academic project based at the University of Agder (and in collaboration between different departments) entitled, “Lives: Biography, Hagiography, and Fictional Lives”. The project started off in the autumn 2012 with a seminar in Rome.
Sist endret: 22.11.2018 07:11