I am interested in issues of discourse, power and multilingualism and how these are played out in social interaction and in institutional contexts and work with the intersections between language, migration, work and education. I teach multilingualism, Norwegian as a second language, communication and discourse analysis in teacher training and Master programs. I have a PhD in sociolinguistics from the Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan at the University of Oslo (MultiLing). My Doctoral thesis analyzes the negotiation of professional selves and multilingual repertoires in authentic job interviews in Norway.
In 2021 I published an edited volume on second language acquisition of Norwegian by adult learners together with Professor Marte Monsen Andrespråkslæring hos voksne. Vitenskapelige innsikter og didaktiske refleksjoner [Second language learning in adults. Scientific perspectives and didactic reflections]I am also a member of the steering committe of the language and work group, an international network of scholars interested in language, work, and social inequality. In the period 2022-2024 I am a visiting scholar at CITRA, Workers Innovation Centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Spring 2024
KOM401 Text and discourse analysis
Autumn 2023
NO401 Language and power
I supervise MA and PhD theses in the areas multilingualism, discourse analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, language in the workplace, digital discourse and communication, linguistic anthropology. Send me an email if you ar interested in working with me.
2022 - 2024 Visiting Scholar - CITra, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2021 - Associate Professor in nordic linguistics - University of Agder
2020 - 2021 Associate Professor in norwegian linguistics - University of South Eastern Norway
2019 - 2020 Assistant Professor in norwegian linguistics - University of South Estern Norway
2017 - 2018 Lecturer in norwegian - Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences
2012 - 2016 PhD candidate - Multiling Center for Multilingualism - University of Oslo
I am a core group member in the project Norwegian across the Americas (2020-2024), financed by the Norwegian Reasearch Council and led by Associate Professor Kari Kinn (UiB).
I am also part of the research group in the project Language across time and space: Following UN-refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Norway, led by professor Guri Bordal Steien (HINN)
Sist endret: 5.12.2023 21:12