Energy-efficient hydraulic system design.
Control system design and PLC programming.
Wei Zhao was a teaching assitant for
Master Courses:
MAS-416 Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
MAS-413 Mechanical Systems 1
MAS-408 Analog and digital electro technologies
MAS-409 Electric Motor Drives
Bachelor Courses:
MAS-239 Feedback Control Systems 1
ING100-G Programming and ICT Security
Wei Zhao embarked on his professional journey as a Process Equipment Engineer in a refinery immediately after completing his bachelor's degree in 2010. In this role, his primary responsibilities encompassed the installation, operation, and maintenance of process equipment employed within the oil refinery setting. Notably, he gained expertise in handling various types of equipment, including Centrifugal and Reciprocating pumps, Gas and Air Compressors, Steam Turbines, and Flow Control Valves.
In 2016, Wei Zhao undertook a three-month internship as a Workshop Technician. During this period, his primary responsibilities involved the redressing and fault analysis of well service tools such as Tractors, Strokers, Well Keys, and other related equipment.
Following the completion of his master's degree in 2019, Wei Zhao joined Cameron Sense AS, where he assumed the role of a Technical Support Engineer with a specialization in control systems. In this capacity, his main responsibilities encompassed providing Ontrack24 technical support for drilling control systems, as well as carrying out Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) and Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT).
Wei Zhao's PhD project titled "Development of Energy-Efficient Linear Actuation Systems for Offshore Use" was funded by the Research Council of Norway, SFI Offshore Mechatronics, project number 237896/O30.
Zhao, W, Ebbesen, M K and Andersen, T O. “Identifying The Future Research Trend for Using Speed-Controlled Hydraulic Cylinders in Offshore Applications through Literature Survey.” Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium. 2022. Naples, Italy.
Zhao, W and Bhola, M. “Comparing Compact and Remote Deployments of a Speed-Controlled Cylinder Drive Unit on an Offshore Knuckle Boom Crane.” Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid
Power. 2023. Tampere, Finland.
Zhao, W, Bhola, M, Ebbesen, M K and Andersen, T O. "A Novel Control Design for Realizing Passive Load-Holding Function on a Two-Motor-Two-Pump Speed-Controlled Hydraulic Cylinder" Modeling, Identification and Control: A Norwegian Research Bulletin (Accepted), 2023.
Sist endret: 2.07.2023 20:07