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Simplifying GIS: Developing web-applications for Atlas

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Simplifying GIS: Developing web-applications for Atlas

This thesis encapsulates the combined work and effort of group 21 and group 22 on
two projects developed for the company Atlas (atlas.co) in order to complete our bach-
elor’s degrees. These two projects involve developing web applications, in an attempt
to modernize aspects of traditional Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Specifically,
one project attempt to simplify a process called georeferencing, and the other attempt
to create an introductory tool for creating maps utilizing AI based on text input.

Utilizing a tech-stack comprised of primarily Python and Next.js, we also explore dif-
ferent methodologies and tools for project management, such as the Scrum framework.
We describe how we utilized the various methodologies and tools, and explain the im-
plementation and development of the projects. We describe some more technical aspects
of the projects, such as describing deployment pipelines. We further argue on the qual-
ity aspects of the projects, and present the final products of each project, as well as
deliberating on the projects’ journies and results.

In assessing our project goals, we acknowledge the progress made in simplifying GIS
functionalities with Image2Map and Text2Map. Although Image2Map streamlines geo-
referencing, it lacks advanced image manipulation and GeoTIFF modification features.
Text2Map succeeds in query-based visualization, but requires refinement in data input
and map shareability. Despite these limitations, both applications offer valuable fea-
tures and lay a foundation for future development. The groups have gained significant
experience, meeting personal academic standards. Although not fully meeting initial
expectations, a satisfactory note from Atlas, as well as our experiences as a collective
group, suggests that we have completed the projects in a respectable, professional, and
satisfactory manner.

Fullført oppgave

Grad: Bachelor
Studium: IT og informasjonssystemer
Leverings­tidspunkt: 2024 - Vår
Samarbeid: Atlas





  • Lukas Aubert Andersen
  • Marius Evensen
  • Sebastian Midtskogen
  • Tom André Slåen Myre
  • Markus Nilsen
  • Glenn Joakim Bakklund
  • Eirik Silseth Bjørdal
  • Markus Ribe
  • Lars Henrik Bjørck Råkil